Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

dekka what youth derek dunfee

Dekka Vol. II Gallery and Zine Launch Derek Dunfee’s new photo zine and really good music by Tracy Bryant of Corners

A lot of what we see these days is very doctored up to make it look better. Travel magazines, surf...
what youth recommends derek dunfee dekka vol. 2

Dekka Vol. II: Water Tried to Kill Me Derek Dunfee’s new Zine Release and Photo Show in Costa Mesa

If you’re in Costa Mesa tomorrow night, swing by Open House Creative and check out Derek Dunfee’s new zine release...
what youth zines dekka derek dunfee

The Newsstand: Dekka Vol. 1 Derek Dunfee on his first zine and the release of Vol. 2

Derek Dunfee is probably most known for chasing waves that would scare the shit out of you. And us. And with...
what youth derek dunfee

Massive Mexico Derek Dunfee rides and documents ridiculously large Puerto

Editor’s Note: Derek Dunfee does things only a couple of humans on this planet can do: he chases massive waves...

What Youth Recommends: Crap Eyewear Your new sunglasses for summer

New sunglasses we really like
derek dunfee what youth dear youth

Dear Youth DEKKA Journals by Derek Dunfee

Editor’s Note: For those of you who don’t know Derek yet, you’re in luck. Basically this is like getting to ride...
Derek Dunfee for the love what youth

For The Love: Derek Dunfee Episode 003 Presented by Vissla

Charging. Creating. Ripping. Friendly. Stylish. Intelligent. Meet Derek Dunfee.

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