Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends jay davies

Watch this Backwash wedge Jay Davies and Lee Wilson just added some spontaneity to your day

I haven’t been drinking. No reason why. I just haven’t and life is getting a little sleepy. But me and...
Chilli Surfboards, Surfing,

Need a new travel companion? Chilli just released the ultimate youth on the run board model

If you’ve got a trip booked and can only bring one board, that can be a stressful endeavor. What if...
what youth jay davies surfing

Jay Davies and Lee Wilson in “Nevada” Chilli Surfboards’ latest creation

Drawn out lines set to mellow acoustics. Easy going and dreamy. Two guys worth watching making it look effortless. Watch...

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