We love looking at magazines, making them, smelling them, getting new issues in the mail, standing at the newsstand until our feet hurt and the coffee buzz has our hands shaking as we flip the pages. It’s part of who we are and how we grew up. It’s why we make What Youth. And it’s also why we collect print.
And that’s why we thought we would start to share our collection with you. In this new department The Newsstand, we will share a new piece of print every week. This weeks entry is Speak of the Devil by Richard Perkins and was put out by Hamburger Eyes in 2012.
Zines have a certain stigma around them. Everyone wants to make one, but few people actually tackle the project. Zines are as great as they are daunting. They can be about anything, and it’s often that fact that keeps people from diving in. Where to start? A zine about building a go-cart with your ex-landlord? Why not!
It’s the rawness, the unpolished, the disregard for what the viewers and reviewers might think that gets us excited. Not over-thinking something, making it out of a reaction (first thought best thought!), making it for no other reason than it’s fun. We picked up this one at Family Books in Los Angeles for $5.