Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Arto Saari shooting Peter Ramondetta in Copenhagen Collected Thoughts 050

Arto Saari shooting perter ramondetta for what youth by scott chenoweth the copenhagen project

So you may be wondering: just what the hell are we doing in Copenhagen? And we’ll have you know that that is no longer something we ask ourselves. It’s more a question of: why haven’t we been here sooner — and more often? I was just talking to a new friend who is one of our local guides and he told me that the government here calls the skateboarders in the community when they put in any new infrastructure to make sure it has “skate-friendly” features. And from what we can gather, skaters and business men and tourists and the beautiful girls who blanket the city, all coexist peacefully in a well-balanced ecosystem of appreciation and understanding. And a lot of that amazing vibe can be attributed to the crew of hard working, rad people who put on the event we’re here covering: The Copenhagen Pro.

The Copenhagen Pro is hardly a “contest” in a traditional senses — it’s more a gathering of like-minded people who like to skate and do rad shit, all going down in a location that seems to be the epicenter for appreciating a variety of cultures and subcultures who are more or less allowed to flourish as opposed to being shut down for being illegal. Beers, fires, skating, families, groms, pros, locals, babes and tourists all mingle together enjoying the never-ending daylight however they please. And it’s all good.

Arto is a unique photographer. If he points his camera at you, it feels like an honor and you don’t want to let him down. Every skater from Pierre-Luc Gagnon to Peter Ramondetta (seen above) gladly give it their all for Arto to snap a few. And he does it all with the sickest style. He’s friendly and exciteable, and when he shoots, he points his camera at everyone and everything — still managing to make it feel like an honor. It’s really all just beautiful here. From concrete to the sea to architecture to women. And we just heard there may be waves tomorrow. Yes, waves. Dion Agius and Brendon Gibbens are psyching. There must be something in the tap water here — which I’ve actually heard there is. Like it’s good for you and makes the women beautiful. I’m not kidding. It’s as pure as tap water gets.

Tonight the festivities really begin here in Copenhagen, starting with the infamous rings of fire in a few hours. Which reminds me that we have to get going. It’s nearly 10PM and still daylight. We back at it. —Travis

what youth collected thoughts bali boys in hawaii

Bali Boys in Hawaii Collected Thoughts 087

“This is a photo of the Bali Boys in Hawaii almost a decade ago. They always had a good connection with the Hawaiians because in the summer all the Hawaiians would come get barreled in Indo. This photo was shot at Kahea Hart’s house where a lot of them stayed. I think most of the…

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Luke Stedman, Fa Empel, Taj Burrow and Sam Macintosh in Indonesia Collected Thoughts 086

“Luke Stedmen, Fa Empel, Taj Burrow and Sam Macintosh [Founder of Stab]. We were on our way back from the Mentawai Islands on a charter boat and we weren’t going make our flight in time. So the five of us had to get up at 4 a.m., load all our stuff on the dinghy and drive on…

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Go way back with Nat Young, Alana Blanchard and Kolohe Andino Collected Thoughts 085

“This photo brings so much joy to my face. It was shot in the middle of the Indian Ocean during a perfect week of waves. I was shooting some portraits of the 3 Americans and then all of a sudden Kolohe went for this pose and created one of the best photos from the entire…

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Pete Mel in Santa Cruz Collected Thoughts 084

“Pete Mel is a fucking boss. He’s one of my favorite humans ever. I shot this photo of him in front of his house when he lived in Santa Cruz. This was one of his favorite boards to surf Maverick’s on. And Pete was one of the original guys from Santa Cruz to really tackle…

what youth collected thoughts

How in the hell did we surf in baggy trunks? Collected Thoughts 083

“The only reason you are looking at this photo is to see the length of the boardshorts that we all used to surf in. How in the hell did we do it?” —Nate Lawrence

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Dane Reynolds in Santa Cruz Collected Thoughts 082

“I think Dane was in Santa Cruz for the Cold Water Classic this year. The weather was warm and the waves were nonstop that year. I remember being so excited because Dane Reynolds was coming to my home town. I got to show him a few spots around town and a few times my friends…

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Mark Healey and Jesse Merle Jones Collected Thoughts 081

Healey and Merle. How good are these two humans! This photo was taken during my first real season spending time on the North Shore for Surfing Magazine. I wanted to photograph people in their homes and not the “team houses”. I liked each adventure of finding the house or room or tent that guys were…

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Gavin Beschen backside Collected Thoughts 080

Yep that’s a DVS sticker on Gavin’s board. This photo was shot almost 9 years ago, and not much has changed. Gavin is still shredding just about as hard as anyone and with the smoothest style.—Nate Lawrence

chris ward what youth

Chris Ward, Padang Collected Thoughts 079

Editor’s note: Scotty Hammonds is from Encinitas, CA and probably surfs better than a lot of the people he shoots photos of. I like when that happens. Nate Lawrence does the same to people. Anyway, Scotty’s been floating around and living in Bali the past few years, shooting and surfing and he recently linked up…

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Tom Curren in France Collected Thoughts 078

Tom Curren in France during a warm September day surfing La Graviere. What else could you ask for? The sandbar this year was so perfect. It was 10 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday. I drove up the coast from Biarritz with Luke Stedman and it was perfect offshore and barreling…

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Dane Reynolds and Jamie O’Brien, Canada, 2006 Collected Thoughts 077

I can almost guarantee you’ll never see this happen again. Dane getting towed behind a Jet Ski with Jamie O driving. In a river. With a waterfall behind them. In Canada. I think that’s Chris Burkard shooting in the foreground, can’t remember. His angle captures a moose drinking water from the river with the northern…

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Remember Ghost Tree? Collected Thoughts 076

Remember Ghost Tree? And Mouse Rock? What happened to the two most photogenic slabs in California? Well, people found out that jet ski’s were cheating and to be a professional big-wave surfer you needed to pull out a big board and paddle in with your two arms. In the early 2000’s, a purple blob with…

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