Billy is texting with Raimana and starts to smirk.
“Hey Brother! We’ll see you at the airport Friday morning! But who is this Dylan Goodale? Danny says he comes with you guys? Who is this?”
Billy pauses, reads the text over, ponders an appropriate response as he looks at me wondering the same thing I am. I don’t charge, I have never been to Tahiti, and Billy knows he needs some sort of explanation to justify my tagging along with him and Danny to Tahiti and for Raimana to care of me. But what?
His resolution comes along with a sly chuckle as he types his reply
“He’s Laird’s nephew!”
Raimana accepted it. Billy couldn’t control his laughter, and I could only shake my head with a smile as the vibe of our trip was set. Whether it was our hot pink European rental car, everything came with a barrel of laughs. A lack of wifi meant less social media and more real life conversation and lasting laughter. Real laughter, you remember it? Not the scroll down, half second feigned interest in a puppy tripping over it’s feet kind of giggles.
Anyway… Here are a few moments captured along the way.
PS. I’m not Laird’s nephew. —Dylan Goodale
Click below to see the whole gallery of film shot by Dylan.