Watch Jack Robinson in Breakthrough Shades of a little bit of everyone, turned way up
Maybe it’s the North Point. Or the Billabong sticker. Or the ultra mature prowess, but Jack Robinson looks as polished and experienced as anyone on his Billabong team. Shades of Taj, Parko and you’d be silly not to see some Andy peering over those Teahupo’o walls. Jack has been on all of our radar for…

Office Space: Sebo Walker An Oregonian did this on our ramp
Sebo Walker is originally from Oregon. And he’s a bit of a jock. Did all the sports growing up including soccer, scootering, baseball — and lucky for us, skateboarding was the one that stuck. He moved to California to pursue skateboarding and we were lucky enough to have him come by and skate our new mini. In this…

Listen to Small Black New Order’s nephew from America maybe
Small Black is a Brooklyn based band (formed in Portland, Oregon) that plays an eclectic blend of electronic shoe gaze with a hefty dose of danceable Indie rock. The band’s 2009 U.K. single “Despicable Dogs,” was met with immediate praise and sent the on an endless series of tours and firmly placed Small Black as…

Watch Ryan Callinan in Newcastle Dreamy lefts at home
Ryan Callinan is a legend. Nicest guy ever and a style any goofy foot can love and get behind. He had one of the most underrated Cluster parts and this little game is full of hammers.

Fairly Normal: Danny Fuller Episode 020 Presented by Raen: Kauai to LA to NY to Pipeline
Danny Fuller is a lot of things. He’s an it guy at Pipeline, a world renowned artist and photographer. He can run with the Wolfpak and hob knob with New York’s fashion elite on the same day. He’s paid his dues at the world’s heaviest lineup and is a North Shore staple. He’s also created…

Dylan Rieder and Chippa Wilson in Hawaii, 2012 Back Den 065
“dylan rieder and chippa wilson talking to stefan janoski not shown on the north shore, oahu 2012. this was from the last analog shoot that never got used except in what youth! we had such a blast. shot on leica m9, 50m.” —Mark Olbow

From What Youth Issue 12 Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse’s dreadlock coat
Kent Andreasen is a photographer from South Africa who was spending some time around Southern California this summer. We got to chatting late one night over a few beers and he got onto a crazy story about shooting photos of Isaac Brock from Modest Mouse in South Africa. —Scott “We were hanging at a festival…

What Youth Drinks: Bourbon Scandal 3 ways to drink your bourbon tonight
With so many bourbons to choose from, what to do? Buy the one with the prettiest label, then get on with it. Like a lot of folks, I’ve been hooked on the whole DIY, small batch, artisanal thing that’s been happening lately. Because, you know, it’s fun to learn about different things and be part…

Afternoon Interview: Zered Bassett Episode 035 in New York

We Are All Bruce Irons Our case for the feel good hit of the winter

Watch Tracy Bryant’s “Subterranean” video An exclusive premiere music video from the frontman of Corners

Taj Burrow always rules Collected Thoughts 089

Watch Nix Nic Nooley A full-length surf film starring Creed Mactaggart, Noa Deane, Beau Foster and more

Watch Clique An 8 minute Indonesian psych reel starring Mitch Coleborn and Jack Freestone

Listen to Drug Cabin New folk psyche for your cruising pleasure

Watch The Boys of Summer Jeff Kutter of Supreme’s new, mostly shot on iPhone vid

Spilling Condiments on your shirt Unfiltered moments from the road with Droid

Taj Does it Again Releases the Tube Pig Mayhem model with a hammer video

Kelly Slater, 2002 Back Den 064

One Roll 010 California for the summer with Giovanni Corabi

North on 101 in a big white van With Andrew Doheny, Yago Dora, Dillon Perillo and Brendon Gibbens

View from my Imax Chair View from a Blue Moon is somewhere between Star Wars and Kelly Slater Black and White

Stay Tuned: Peter Ramondetta Playlist 024: “15 Metal Songs in a Row” Playlist 024 Presented by D’Blanc

Afternoon Interview: Pontus Alv Episode 034 “If you don’t have skate spots, make your own.”

Conversation With: Billy Changer Salty mutant pop from the bassist of Corners

Watch Deap Vally’s Video “Royal Jelly” Starring extra sexy Georgia May Jagger

The Return to Thrash Have aerials and “clips” reached their ceiling?

Flash with Nate Tyler in Santa Cruz Collected Thoughts 088

Watch Mason Ho at Puma Point Easily the best thing that will come out this week

Stefan Janoski, Circa 2007 Back Den 063

For The Love: Leo Valls Episode 020 Presented by Vissla: Molded by the streets of Bordeaux