Watch: Brixton Broadcast Melbourne A lot of really good bands in one dirty old Australian rock ‘n’ roll club
The Tote Hotel in Melbourne Australia is a musical institution. Grooming local bands from , while simultaneously hosting the biggest acts to come through town. It’s about as legit as venues get. See the toilets for proof. We jumped onto this leg of The Brixton Broadcast, which is a global world party tour put on…

Watch Jordy Smith’s warning shot He’s back and moving more water than ever at a Snapper replica
It’s been a long time coming for Jordy. Held back a bit last year by both a back injury and the comforts of home with his shoe collections, it’s nice Jordy’s been busy. Back home in South Africa and training at a Snapper replica in Mozambique and some Durban fun. If this is a sample…

Watch The Sound of Change Experience With Neal Purchase Jr, Asher Pacey, Ryan Lovelace and More
Sort of a modern Shelter vibe. Psychedelic and trippy, with tons of single, twin, and finless action throughout Australia, Indo, Africa, and Cali. A well thought out piece that will melt your mind, confuse your brain, and make you completely re-think your quiver. There is a ton of talent in this movie including the legend, Neal…

One Roll 013: Hamish Humphreys From boat trip action to the city of Melbourne
Remember Hamish Humphreys? You may know the name from his time assisting and working with our very own Nate Lawrence. He was shooter number two on every Cluster trip. He’s lived in Bali and shot all the action a man can shoot. And now he made a move. And moved to Melbourne, Australia. Just because….

Mikey Wright, Pipeline 2014 Collected Thoughts 096
“In 2014 I only knew Mikey Wright as Owen’s little brother. Even though he was doing stuff like you see in this photo pretty consistently. Now Mikey is his own brand. He’s not Owen’s little brother anymore. The surfing he is doing is unique. It’s fresh. And pretty soon we could be referring to Owen…

Watch Koa Rothman’s Massive Winter Highlights Pretty hectic and heavy
The Rothman gene pool runs deep. And Koa is only the latest to step in and prove himself to be one of the better big wave surfers in the world, and this edit he put together himself proves why. Imagine doing all this, then still having the prowess to sit in a chair and edit it together. That’s…

Arto Saari, San Pedro, Ca 2008 Back Den 079
“are you willing to bleed for what you love? arto is. arto saari, san pedro, ca for the filming of the alien workshop mind field video. sometimes lip slides stick and you land on your face. 2008″ —Mark Oblow

Come peruse the WY Scrapbook Page It’s a beautiful fucking awesome mess
We needed a dumping place. A photographic purgatory. And it isn’t always pretty. But it’s us. The What Youth Scrapbook, which you can see above, or by clicking here is about as close as to us and our ridiculous day to day and the lunacy we see as you’d ever want to get. Let’s call…

Watch Welcome to Water Volcom is still ground zero on the North Shore

How to make Cioppino What Youth Eats: A seafood stew to warm your weekend

Watch Play With Glass: LA Starring Mitch Crews and some really good waves

5 Years of Fun with Burger Records The Observatory and Burger Records present a 5-day music festival starting next week

Ryan Burch in The Rush of the Countinuous Rhythm More creative lines than we can handle

Watch Anonymous Zone: The Raw Clips Part 2 featuring Arto, Ishod, Raven, Pete and Terp

Listen to Guantanamo Baywatch Surf rock that actually sounds like surf rock

Jordy Smith, Indonesia, 2013 Collected Thoughts 095

I just started saying yes to things Great advice from Ozzie Wright

Watch Anonymous Zone: The Raw Clips Part 1 of 2 starring Ishod, Raven, Pete, Terp, Rip and Arto in Japan

Watch the trailer for Away Days Adidas’ first skate film is coming in May

CS Louis on Big Sur by Jack Kerouac While ill, twisted and bathing wretchedly

Jake Johnson, Omar Salazar, James Concannon, Stefan Janoski, and Luke Croker Back Den 078

All those Eddie Highlights Too good to be true at Waimea Bay

Watch Yago Dora in “O Cabra” Kid is really, really good

John John won a very big contest today The Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau Invitational

Conversation With: Kera and the Lesbians Elvis, that name and their new record

Kai Neville, Indonesia Collected Thoughts 094

Listen to Meatbodies New Single “Valley Girl” Dropping March 18th just in time for a Euro tour

Listen to Feels Self-Titled Debut Album And catch their record release show if you know what’s good for you

We are all Bruce Our talk with a revitalized Bruce Irons from What Youth Issue 13

Watch +/+ starring Dion Agius Dion and Joe G nail it once again in this new edit

Watch Adidas Matchcourt With Lucas Puig, Mark Gonzales, Na-kel Smith, and more