One Roll 021: Michael Cukr Japan to Bangkok to Australia and back with some of your favorites including Chippa and Ozzie
Last year we did some traveling. And Michael Cukr did a serious portion of it himself. He recently fired up his scanner and found some film from the journeys. This full roll of film was snapped during a 3-legged monster of travel that included Japan, Bangkok, and Australia. And once in Australia we went to…

WY Premiere: Watch “Good Luck” A new video by The Undercover Dream Lovers
The Undercover Dream Lovers, the solo project of Brooklyn-based artist and producer Matt Koenig, was relatively unknown last year. And then something every aspiring musician only dreams of. Their lead single, “Good Luck”, unveiled on Spotify, and within a week, went viral, “garnering over 400k plays in less than 2 months after its release”. “I…

Watch “A Breeze in the City” Starring Chloe Campbell and Alex Amor in Barcelona
“We made this with tons of love and no budget.” A short film we really dig from filmmaker Guillem Cruells shot in Barcelona and starring the very smooth skating of Alex Amor and the very attractive and amazing Chloe Campbell. Two characters in two very specific places in time. Watch For the Love starring Alex…

A good looking cutting room floor Issue 17 is ready for ink, here’s a peek
Full disclosure: We didn’t plan it like this. But as we’ve learned along the way, that’s so very OK. Hell, that’s what we’ve been doing in here since day 1: not sticking to the plan. Being spontaneous and open minded. And that’s the story with Issue 17. It’s got a bunch of chipped teeth, backfires…

Kareem Campbell and Colin McKay Back Den 111
“kareem campbell & colin mckay. our distributor got us our rooms and gave us cash. some of us got drinks, some of got food, some of us got weed. amsterdam, circa 90’s. batter up.” —Mark Oblow

Watch “Australia Days” Jack Coleman provides some much needed fun starring Ozzie Wright, Jimmie Steele and Ari Browne
Winter is definitely here in the U.S., but it’s now clear that while we freeze, Australia is bronzing and sliding on fun boards. The best time of the year to try that funky shaped board you’ve been staring at all year. Jack Coleman is just the man to show us summer in its natural habitat too,…

Watch “Telo Menta Uber Jam” Tropical ripping by the Volcom team
The Volcom surf crew hits the Mentawais for the season’s first run of swell. Starring Ozzie Wright, Mitch Coleborn, Ryan Burch, Yago Dora and Pat Schmidt. We missed ya that day at Greenbush boys ;)

Mixtape: “Hotbox With God” New Mixtape from William Alexander for your weekend wandering
If you’ve ever been to one of our parties, you’ve seen William Alexander throwing around vinyl and crushing Modelos. His music knowledge runs deep, no matter what the genre, and his ability to pull out the obscure tracks is exactly why we trust him to get us moving. In anticipation of his new album out January…

Watch “Sundaland” Run to Mexico with Brendon Gibbens, Cam Richards and Eric Geiselman

Noa Deane gets a new sticker Finally a signing that makes sense: Noa to Volcom

Watch Foxygen’s New Video For new single “On Lankershim,” off upcoming album

Listen to Slowdive’s New Song “Star Roving” is their first new song in 22 years

Listen to Moon Duo Dark and moody psych from Portland

Original Artwork From the Dylan Issue Issue 16 art from Porous Walker, Mark Gonzales, Todd Francis, Dr. Woo, Langley Fox and more

Noa, Creed, Beau and Ellis in “Rage” First it was O.A.M. now it’s RAGE

Watch “Lost It: New Zealand” Outtakes from the road way less traveled with Brendon Gibbens, Bryce Young and Eric Geiselman

Imogene Barron, Japan 2014 Back Den 110

Mason Ho in Northern Praying Mantis The most exciting surfer in the world

Warm up with Chippa Wilson Chippa gets new wetties, we get a new vid

Your weekend on the couch The music documentaries you need to detox your way into 2017

Listen to Stef Chura Poppy, grungy, and angsty in all the right ways

Twin Fin Delight Watch Jason Salisbury ignite your future twin fin obsession

Conversation With: Sam Kristofski A phone call with (one of) our favorite Kiwi filmmakers

Watch RVCAloha: “Alex And Ellis” Alex Knost and Ellis Ericson and some jazz poetry at V Land

Memo from the Editor’s Desk Day 4 of 2017…

Afternoon Interview: Jake Blauvelt Episode 052: On snowboarders having a bad rap, surfings influence on him and living simply

Listen to Rebel Kind And read our conversation with the band below

Dion Agius, Hossegor, 2015 Collected Thoughts 120

Ozzy Osbourne in Los Angeles, 2010 Back Den 109

The 2016 What Youth Memoirs Video When you look at it like this, we had a fucking great year

The What Youth 2016 Video Slideshow The Velvet Underground take us on the photographic rollercoaster that was 2016