Conversation with: Guantanamo Baywatch One of our favorite bands may have the world’s craziest tour stories
Guantanamo Baywatch are a touring machine. These road dogs know van life better than any other band, and have the stories (and nightmares) to prove it. And boy are they down to prove it. I stood outside the Echo with Jason Powell, Chevelle Wiseman, and ChrisScott one warm and sticky night in Los Angeles, and…

New What Youth T-Shirts New Limited Edition Issue 19 tees are out now
Today we’re releasing two new Limited Edition tees. One featuring the original artwork of artist Mark Riddick. And the other features Issue 19 cover dude: Kader Sylla at the wheel and on page one of Issue 19. Get the Mark Riddick tee here. Get the Kader Sylla tee here.

Would you rather: Lowers or a Pool? The WSL released its 2018 schedule of events and it’s missing Fiji and Lowers but has a pool
There are 840 miles of coastline in California. And while there will be one stop on the 2018 WSL World Tour in California, it will not be happening along any of those 840 miles of coastline. It will be happening in Lemoore, CA. The WSL just released a press release this morning announcing the 2018 World…

Afternoon Interview: Zion Wright Episode 062: We took the newest pro for REAL out for some skateboarding in Los Angeles
Zion Wright is killing it right now. He just went pro for REAL Skateboards — that happened just the other day actually. He’s young and been on fire for a long time and somehow he front feebled around a curved rail the hard way — which shows you he can skate anything, in and out of…

Issue 19 NYC Release party We packed The Flower Shop to celebrate the release of Issue 19 in NY. Presented by Independent
No one does it quite like you New York. And never will. Last week we flew out to New York to celebrate the release of Issue 19 in the city at The Flower Shop, one of our favorite places in all the city (and there’s a lot of spots we love there). With the issue selling…

New Lakai’s celebrate Fully Flared 10-year Anniversary EVO colorway and some nostalgic photos
The Spike Jonze directed opening scenes to Fully Flared are the kind of thing you can show anyone in and out of skateboarding and blow their fucking mind. It’s rad. It makes you wanna skate, make movies, and blow things up. And to celebrate this monumental vid’s 10-year anniversary Lakai released a new color way of…

Watch Volcom’s “Aliens Was Here” Featuring Noa Deane, Ozzie Wright, Balaram Stack, Mitch Coleborn, Ryan Burch and more
The Volcom guys did it again. The crew headed to Indonesia on a 5 week journey. It honestly seems they are busier then ever. And we definitely aren’t complaining about that. Enjoy!

Neat: Morgan Maassen’s Hard Drive Seventeen minutes of Dane Reynolds, Stephanie Gilmore, Noa Deane and lots more
Morgan Maassen’s self proclaimed, “Unintentional surf film…sort of.” A compilation of unseen footage from years past starring Dane Reynolds, Lee Wilson, Noa Deane, Sterling Spencer (where did he go?), Dillon Perillo, Laura Enever, Nat Young, Andrew Doheny, and heaps of others. And as much as the phrase is tossed around these days, that’s a cast list…

Watch Kai Hing in “Still Splashing” Kai goes monochrome in Indo

What Youth Drinks Building Blocks to a Great Cocktail

Issue 19 Cutting Room Floor The book is being sent out into the world and here’s a sample of what to expect

What Youth Issue 19 On Sale Now (FREE for 72 HOURS) and featuring Kader Sylla at the wheel on the cover

What Youth Issue 19: Tonight at Midnight Free for the first 72 hours (while supplies last)

Watch Cult of Freedom The Australia Part: The first in a new vid series from Globe and Joe G

Look Like Leo This Emerica x Pendleton collab is gritty and ready to go

Watch Palasonic Forty VHS quality minutes from Palace Skateboards.

Radical Class: What Youth Reads Homage to Catalonia: a book seven decades young and still topical!

WY Premiere: Bee Bee Sea Listen to “This Dog Is The King Of Losers”

Afternoon Interview: Kader Sylla Episode 61: Ditching school, Skating Pedlow and taking the wheel of Skateboarding

Watch “Vague+Profound” “Cool Dad” Yadin Nicol releases nearly full-length vid 4 years in the making…and there’s a lot of Dillon too

WY Premiere: Battleme Watch their video for “Misfit Honey Bear”

The Lady of Guadalupe and Jason Jessee Nixon x Santa Cruz Collab celebrates Jason Jessee’s classic graphic

Listen to Imarhan An Algerian 5-piece that’ll get your bones moving

Cult of Freedom: The Australia Part Joe G and the Globe team are back with a new series and this is your first look at it

Craig Anderson is still keeping it HUF We can all still wear skate shoes

Ty Segall Drops New Single Listen to “My Lady’s On Fire”

Lakai Signed Riley Hawk’s dad The Birdman gets new shoes

Watch this Backwash wedge Jay Davies and Lee Wilson just added some spontaneity to your day

Artist Series: Mark Riddick Episode 011: We visited the home of the renowned death metal illustrator and artist

We’re giving Issue 19 Away Our next Issue is out next Tuesday and here’s how we’re gonna make sure you get it…for free

Watch “Candle” starring Noa Deane Noa’s reckless new part is here