WY Premiere: Peach Kelli Pop Watch their video for killer new track “Crooked & Crazy”
Peach Kelli Pop sounds exactly like their name: warm, bright, poppy, like your favorite flavor of zebra fruit stripe chewing...

WY Premiere: Clean Spill Listen to “Friends”
Clean Spill, the Santa Barbara crew of surfers that caught our attention a few years back with their oozing delivery...

WY Premiere: MammaBear Watch their new video for “My House”
Atlanta-based three-piece MammaBear have something to say about the current state of society, and you better open your ears and...

Listen to Haley Heynderickx Some soothing hump day recovery music
Portland-based Haley Heynderickx may have a complicated last name, but her music is as easy and soothing and palatable as a...

Watch King Tuff’s New Video For funky, soul-tinged single “Psycho Star”
Last week, King Tuff emerged from his hiatus spaceship with the reflective, somber, tug on your heartstrings single “The Other,”...

Stream Terri Terri’s New Album His self-titled debut drops tomorrow
It’s Monday. Back to that daily grind. Whether it’s on your board, in the waves or on the concrete, or...

Music to Make You “Bang” A playlist of heavy jams that’ll hopefully get you ready for a war cry
In Steven Spielberg’s classic Peter Pan remake “Hook,” the Lost Boys do this incredible war cry thing during an insult...

Listen to Slaughterhouse Raw, unadulterated punk that’ll do your body good
Slaughterhouse is a new punk band from Los Angeles, and their self-titled debut EP is so good I’ve been humming...

Listen to Pearl Charles And catch her record release show tonight at the Echo
Pearl Charles has been playing music since before most of us could even read a book. Those years of fine-tuning...

King Tuff Is Back With beautiful new song “The Other”
Four years is a long ass time, especially in the world of music so readily available we forget to stop...

Ultimate Painting Drops New Album And shares new video for “Not Gonna Burn Myself Anymore”
Songwriting can really take it out of you. And for Ultimate Painting, my favorite band coming out of London right...

Stream Beechwood’s New Album Songs From The Land of Nod
Beechwood, NYC’s answer to what you get when you mix the Ramones, Velvets, and BJM together in one misfit band,...

Listen to Habibi And catch them live 1/29 at the Moroccan Lounge
Cultural identity is always a powerful force in any creative endeavor, and for Habibi, that energy is ready to explode....

WY Premiere: Spike Vincent Listen to “Lie In The Dust”
It’s rare for a song to float into my horizon and immediately overwhelm my senses with pure positive bliss. But...

NUMB.ER IS ON TOUR And they made us a “From the Van” playlist
Numb.er, the relatively new project of Jeff Fribourg, is total synth bliss. Formed at the end of 2015, the visual...

WY Premiere: Fiancé Listen to their dreamy single “wing”
Fiancé is a five-piece band from Delaware, and their dreamy, shoegazey sound is just what we need right now. Formed...

Flying Hair Drops New Album Listen to first single, “Phase II”
There are inevitably multiple phases in a band’s existence, and Flying Hair is in the thick of their metamorphosis. Formed...

Listen to Grounders Toronto’s answer to your work day blues
Toronto-based smooth psych band Grounders are the perfect cure for your work day blues. After releasing their debut in 2015...

WY Premiere: White Woolly Watch their blood happy video for “Waiting”
Look up White Woolly’s bandcamp and their sound description states “ominous surf rock.” And that’s pretty much nailing it on the...

Watch “Fire In The Water” Pond’s new video shot by Sam Kristofski
Australian psych band Pond, an ever evolving rotation of musicians itching to explore their collaborative skills, dropped a new video...

WY Premiere: Sufis Watch “Made Me Leave/Crispy Grapes II”
Sufis, the duo of musicians Calvin Laporte and Evan Smith, met once upon a time over their love of the...

WY Premiere: Royal Brat Listen to “Full Tilt Duster”
One thing that doesn’t suck about 2018 is the amount of noteworthy music our ears are waiting to soak up....

WY Premiere: Well Well Well Watch their video for “Sleeping Away”
Well Well Well, a new postmodern pop band from San Diego comprised of musicians Seton Edgerton and Dan Nichols, sound...

Easy Played Zebulon And we were there to witness the calamity
Easy is a band, and if you haven’t seen or heard them yet, you’re sleeping on life. Formed at the...

Listen to The Jacks A new local 4-piece that doesn’t hide behind any bullshit
The Jacks are a rock ‘n’ roll band, let’s get that straight. Their vibe is heavily influenced by the British...

Music for right this second Listen to Maya’s new Spotify playlist “BUZZ.” Made especially for those “new year, new me” weekend buzzes
Most years it takes me at least a couple weeks before my brain can fully accept the numerical passing of...

The 10 Best WY Vids of the Year Let’s get sentimental for a minute, then let’s get back out there
It seems to be common sentiment that 2017 was a bit trickier than we might have wanted it to be. But that’s...

The Top 10 Albums of 2017 Stream the rest: These are the 10 albums from 2017 worth ownership
2017 was a year of shitty reality that yielded some incredible musical catharsis. And while every album we heard this...

The Top 10 Music Videos of 2017 Do people still watch music vids? Well, we do, and these are our favorites from the year
This year in music videos, it was all about the flash. The hook. The catch. Whatever you wanna call it....

WY Premiere: Beechwood Listen to new track “C/F”
NYC-based glam punk trio Beechwood are no strangers to the dirty side of the law. Earlier this year, drummer and...

Watch The Shrine’s New Video For “Never More Than Now” featuring Keith Morris
The Shrine know how to thrash. And I mean thrash in the sense of blowing fire out of their mouths...

The What Youth Wish List Here are all the things we want this holiday season, which is probably stuff you or the youth on the run in your life will want
Being a youth on the run requires a significant amount of equipment. And I don’t mean useless consumer goods (well,...