In 1754 Benjamin Franklin made the political cartoon you see on our flyer and he published it in the Pennsylvania Gazette, an editorial piece about a “disunited state” that existed between the founding colonies of America. And before I get too deep on that — because the fact of the matter is we’re all just gonna check out our new mag, drink some drinks, listen to LA Witch and DANCE — there is some significance to us and that poster.
Surfing, skating and it’s subsequent cultures and industries are in a strange place — and while many run for the hills in panic, well, we kinda like it this way. We also like to think that instead of distancing ourselves from each other, we should hunker down and hang the fuck out. Together. Preferably in a room, with loud music and a bar nearby, so we can get to the bottom of this.
So for Issue 18 we partnered with similar-minded dudes who “Don’t Wanna Work for Scum Anymore” either to show that we can all dance together. The boys at Former are gonna come out and sell some tees the old fashioned way, Need Essentials — the no frills wetsuit maker — is going to help us decorate things in neoprene, and our favorite babes from LA Witch are gonna rock out. It’s going to be a collision of noise and humanity in the Segovia Room at the Ace Hotel in Downtown LA and we hope you’ll come stir the pot with us. We’d have it not other way.