Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Watch: Rob_000044 Featuring Robbie Rickard

08.25.20 – TAGS: ,

Not sure if Rob_000044 is the actual title of this clip or just the Vimeo file name, but we went with it anyway. Billy Lee-Pope emailed this edit over to us last night and we popped it up on the monitor straight away. We’ve long held a liking for Mr. Rickard’s surfing and we’re guessing we aren’t the first to see a little Jay Davies in the man. Low, powerful, and a bit old school in the approach, what’s not to like?

Last time we checked Robbie was still representing Brixton, Adelio wetties, and riding DMS boards by Daniel MacDonald. (Editors note: Robbie is also riding Pandas these days) Hopefully, that is all still intact given heavy upheaval in the industry lately. And, props to those brands for keeping a very fine, albeit a bit underground, surfer well-equipped.

It’s a little short but we aren’t complaining.


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