Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

WATCH SUA TAN Kai Hing and Shaun Manners Trade Wave for Wave in Oz

Video: Luka Raubenheimer / Photos: Tom Carey

One of our favorite Aussies, Kai Hing, can’t sit still. He recently called us up to post his newest edit Sua Tan with Shaun Manners. And moments later asked us to go on another trip. He can stop. Won’t stop. He’s got the bug. And we love to see that. We love free surfers that floods our channels and gives us something to get psyched on. Sua Tan will get you amped to put some rubber on and go find some slabs in the desert. We asked Kai a few questions about his recent travels and what fires him up. -WY


Kai where did you film this video? 

I went and stayed at Shaun’s house for a week in West Oz so most of the footage is waves from around his way, mixed with some footage from home on the Sunny Coast.

Tell us Americans about Shaun Manners.

Shaun Manners is a surfer from West Oz, a good friend of mine. He’s 20, skates as well as surfs. He’s into bands like The Melvins, Dinosaur Jrand he also surfs for Billabong. So I find myself on a few trips with him, which is rad.


Who’s your filmer?

Luka Raubenheimer is one of my best buds. We both live on Sunny Coast. We’ve both started a website called It’s rad traveling with a good friend having lots of similar interests. It makes traveling a lot more fun.


Do you pick a song before you edit or after you lay everything down on a timeline?

I’ll normally have a few songs I think would work with the type of surfing being done, then it all depends if it flows or not.


Who’s making the best edits these days?

I haven’t been watching too many


Are surf trips fun for you these days? 

Of course, nothing’s more fun. I’ve especially enjoyed lately going to new locations and surfing waves I’ve never seen before.

What’s the best one you’ve ever been on and why?

I spent a month in Morocco at the start of this year with 5 of my best buds, we’d go on road trips up and down the coast and seeing some wild things like goats in the top of trees and surf some amazing waves.


The waves seem to always pump somewhere in Australia. Is it hard to leave sometimes in search of waves? 

Not so much for me, I live where it tends to be small quite often so whenever there’s a chance to adventure for waves I’m down. For some Aussie I could imagine it would be, hard to leave your back yard if it’s good.


What’s with the blazer or trench coat in the edit? 

Not sure just something I was wearing I guess haha

Where do you get your fashion inspiration from? 

Just try to wear comfortable things.


Who are some new bands you’re digging these days? 

Not a new band but listening to a bit of Bongripperlately and a little bit of Saint Vitus.


You been skating a lot lately? 

Yeah, a little bit, waves have been kind of flat around home, so I’ve been burning some energy at the park.

When was the last time you got super pissed? 

Can’t remember, haha.


Weed or alcohol?

Ganja no doubt


Favorite Australian beer? 

Emu export.


Favorite American beer? 

Coors going alright.


Favorite skater?

Oskar Rosenberg.

What’s your favorite all time surf section ever?

Anyone of Wade Goodall’s sections will do.


What do you think of the full retro movement? 

Fun to ride surfboards from the past, teaches you a bit about the surfing that can be done using different crafts.


What do you think of guys that just change their image overnight?

I think those guys are a bit confused, haha.


What’s your thoughts on the new air show about to go down at the ‘CT in France?

I don’t really know too much about it, sounds like it could be cool.

You dig Kelly’s pool or the Waco pool?

I haven’t surfed either of them, so it would be hard for me to say.


You have any pets?

I got a little white dog called Lilly.


Most fucked thing about Morocco?

It’s so far for me to travel to get there.


Craziest thing you’ve ever seen on the road?

I saw some dude crash into the back of a truck right next to me on the highway, I had to keep driving but the guy looked like he was in a bad situation.

Worst thing about America?

I order way too much Uber eats when I’m there.


Best thing?

So many restaurants on Uber eats.


If you find a new wave and you’re solo. Do you tell anyone about it?

I’d tell one or two, just so I could share the good times with someone.

Most hungover you’ve ever been?

After my 17th birthday I couldn’t stand up straight without throwing up for about two days.


Favorite hangover cure?

Swim in the ocean or pool.



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