Stefan Janoski is not only a talented skater, but also a renowned artistic “slashy.” He put his “/” abilities to the test by sculpting/song writing/performing/producing/puppeteering and who knows what else to bring what was originally a sculpture to life. Alongside Foster Huntington as director they created a short stop motion film that became a Vimeo staff pick. It’s pretty damn creative as is expected from one of the most stylish skaters in a generation and the designer behind the most popular skate shoe of all time. His Nick Cave-esque song performance is pretty spot on as well.
Here were Stefan’s word in the Vimeo behind the scenes feature:
“I thought of an image of a guy with his rib pulled out and presenting it to God, and the name ‘god I need a girlfriend’ and I thought that was really, really funny!” That was Janoski’s “let there be light” moment. After casting the sculpture, he then wrote a poem based on it, which turned into a song, which led to the eventual stop motion film.