Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth jay davies native surfing

Get Jay Davies’ new movie: Native A surf vid worth your hard drive space, and it’s free

Jay Davies always seems to catch us off guard. You tend to want to type-cast him as a tube guy,...

Jay Davies in “Native” The full-length trailer for Jay Davies’ new flick

 Jay Davies is easily one of the most underrated aerialists and chargers in the world. He’s finally getting his own...
what youth recommends ryan callinan west oz

Watch Ryan Callinan in West Oz Why your results in a jersey don’t always matter

Ryan Callinan has surfed really good on tour. He surfed really good in Cluster. And he surfs really fucking good...
what youth recommends jay davies

Watch “Bangers” Starring Jay Davies and Harry Bryant

Jay Davies and Harry Bryant getting good waves…again.
off beat jay davies what youth surfing

Off Beat: Jay Davies Episode 022: Thoughts on competing, Emus, roosters and more

Jay Davies is a beast. He’s a hulking man who has style, air game, power and a fucking awesome personality....
jay Davies surfing at home in western australia what youth

Riding Bareback The house and home and surfing of Jay Davies

I went on a bit of a rant the other night over chips and salsa regards to how gnarly Jay...

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