Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends creed mctaggart beau foster

Listen to Wash’s new EP “Point of View” Creed McTaggart, Beau Foster and Ellis Ericson’s band is pretty damn good

We love their surfing because they don’t seem to give a fuck, and now they’ve released an EP with the same...

Listen to Sheer Mag Philly rock ‘n’ roll to soothe your soul

Sheer Mag, the rock ‘n’ roll inspired power pop blended punk quintet from Philadelphia, are peaking on my watch list...
what youth beau foster surfing

Once the Testosterone Settles A little behind-the-scenes glimpse at Beau Foster’s new movie Shitkicker to ease the tension

There is a lot of testosterone in the air right now. People are SHOUTING. Good and bad. Tears are flowing...

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