Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends aeiou

Watch “A.E.I.U.O” Starring Remy Taveira, Tolia Titaev, and more

Augustin Giovannoni is a name to keep an eye on. We thoroughly enjoyed this clip he put together, along with...
what youth recommends blake myers showreel 2017

Watch Blake Myers’ ShowReel This…and he has a winning record against Gabriel Medina

Blake Myers once beat Gabriel Medina (and Keanu Asing) in a heat at the ISA World games. It’s still one...
what youth recommends caramello

Watch “Caramello” Skating in Italy with Remy Taveira & more

A video by James Cruickshank for a brief glance skateboardmag, in association with Converse Cons. Filmed on location in the...
what youth anonymous zone

10 Best WY Vids of the Year And the winner is…

2. Fairly Normal: Remy Taveira Remy Taveira lives in the suburbs on the east side of Paris, and he has...

Watch “TSAPOF” New clip from the Blobys in Paris

New clip from one of our favorite skate crews.  Starring Kevin Rodrigues, Vincent Touzery, Remy Taveira & More. Watch our Fairly...
what youth fairly normal remy taveira skateboarding europe

Fairly Normal: Remy Taveira Episode 022 Shot on location in Paris, France. Presented by RVCA

Remy Taveira lives in the suburbs on the east side of Paris, France and skates with the Blobys crew. And...
"Nicaragua" staring Remy Taveira, Mike Arnold and Sylvain Tognelli.

Watch “Nicaragua” Starring Remy Taveira, Mike Arnold and Sylvain Tognelli.

A film by Jacob Elliott Harris in association with Converse. Starring: Remy Taveira, Mike Arnold and Sylvain Tognelli.

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