Youth against the machine I’m so proud of you
Editor’s Note: Last Friday night I got emotional. I was watching recaps of what happened in the world that week and...

Why would anyone wanna leave Paris? Donald Trump is making it harder to be a youth on the run
The great Gloria Steinem put it best: In response to Trump’s attempt at pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement: “Too...

Can’t Surf This Pipeline Water, Oil, and Standing Rock: Why the fuck do we wanna destroy the earth?
Editor’s Note: When it comes to water and the environment, we’re all in. We have to be. It goes far beyond politics. It’s...

Are We OK? Some scary clarity on what’s happening in the real world
Editor’s Note: We’re quite certain we’re not your number one political news source. But we’re also pretty certain you know we...

The Shape of Art To Come Let’s make sure we take advantage of this
Yesterday I stood inside a church and looked at a ballot with measures on porn and weed and a presidential battle...

I’m Home! But Have No Idea Where I am After a month in the Old World, I’ve returned to a disheveled homeland
I just got home from a few weeks away. I think it’s called holiday. Or vacation. Depending where you’re from....