Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends spread playlist

Music to make you “Spread” A new playlist to butter your toast

Remember the scene in Pulp Fiction where Jules and Vincent Vega debate the severity and sexual implications of a foot...
what youth recommends wand plum

From the Van: Wand Listen to their guest playlist

Wand is touring through Europe right now, and it’s freezing cold. Ice on the roads, ice on the mountains, and...
what youth recommends BANG

Music to Make You “Bang” A playlist of heavy jams that’ll hopefully get you ready for a war cry

In Steven Spielberg’s classic Peter Pan remake “Hook,” the Lost Boys do this incredible war cry thing during an insult...
what youth recommends from the van playlist

NUMB.ER IS ON TOUR And they made us a “From the Van” playlist, the relatively new project of Jeff Fribourg, is total synth bliss. Formed at the end of 2015, the visual...
what youth cluster soundtrack noa deane surfing

The Cluster Soundtrack Wow, we should have done this a long time ago

A few weeks ago we went to Florida and we played all our films really loud at a trade show....
what youth stay tuned lee wilson

Stay Tuned: Lee Wilson Playlist 031: A Mix of Pet Shop boys & thug heavy hip hop

You’re going to cook up a pretty unique playlist when you’re half Balinese and half Australian. And so that’s exactly what Lee...
what youth playlist for back to school

When morning comes too soon A playlist for the final dawns of the summer

Maybe it’s on the hardwood floor of a living room in Santa Cruz. Or the front seat of a tour bus, a towering New...
what youth lizards of summer

The Lizards of Summer Playlist All 16 episodes in one place

If this doesn’t get you in the mood to hit the road, fill your cup and fuck “the feed” off,...
stay tuned tanner rozunko what youth

Stay Tuned: Tanner Rozunko Playlist 023 presented by D’Blanc

God, he’s good. At most things, really. Surfing. Skating. Playing the bass guitar. He’s even really nice. And now we...

Stay Tuned: Kevin Terpening Playlist 016 Presented by D’Blanc

For a guy who moved from Ohio to LA, professional skater Kevin Terpening sure has a refined sense of music....

A Mix for the New Year Curated by Alex Olson

"Surfers fuck with Dance music" x Alex

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