Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Morning Florida ☀️We’re here @surfexpo showing vids and playing tunes. Come hang.

source= Florida ☀️We’re here @surfexpo showing vids and playing tunes. Come hang.&url=

Oh! One more reason today wasn’t complete shit (because in a lot of ways it was)but not this way: @la_witch released a new song! Go listen ❤☠️

source=! One more reason today wasn’t complete shit (because in a lot of ways it was)but not this way: @la_witch...

Dane just lit the pilot for 2017. Finally, new 20 minute vid called “Rejects” featuring Dane and lots of friends, now playing at Here’s a frame grab.

source= just lit the pilot for 2017. Finally, new 20 minute vid called “Rejects” featuring Dane and lots of friends,...

Goldie and @ozzywrong paint date on the Gold Coast. Photographed by @michaelcukr, see the whole roll from the trip at

source= and @ozzywrong paint date on the Gold Coast. Photographed by @michaelcukr, see the whole roll from the trip at...

Without you there is no us. Thank you @surfing for always inspiring us, pushing us, fighting back like madmen and creating 53 years of inspiration. We see you over there on the shelf. Always will. ❤

source= you there is no us. Thank you @surfing for always inspiring us, pushing us, fighting back like madmen and...

Saturday was the prettiest day in American history. @darren_ankenman was there to photograph the beauty. See more at

source= was the prettiest day in American history. @darren_ankenman was there to photograph the beauty. See more at

We got a lot of photos sent to us during this run of waves and weather, but this one shot by 14-year-old @georgeejupi of Will Reid in LA is a beast.

source= got a lot of photos sent to us during this run of waves and weather, but this one shot...

SF ?

source= ?&url=

Trip wasn’t a total nightmare. Chippa, Kai and Craig on the bow.

source= wasn’t a total nightmare. Chippa, Kai and Craig on the bow.&url=

Craig Anderson with a blur tail on our nearly capsized boat trip. Vid and spreads in Issue 17, coming soon. Photo: @lawrence_photo

source= Anderson with a blur tail on our nearly capsized boat trip. Vid and spreads in Issue 17, coming soon....

Yeah, it comes in black too. What Youth online shop.

source=, it comes in black too. What Youth online shop.&url=

“This is the worst forecast for Indo I’ve ever seen. It’s going to get weird.” @lawrence_photo to us as we boarded the boat in Padang amid the 50-year storm. As you’ll see in Issue 17: we pulled it.

source=”This is the worst forecast for Indo I’ve ever seen. It’s going to get weird.” @lawrence_photo to us as we...

WY Eye Stab long sleeve.

source= Eye Stab long sleeve.&url=

“Some of us got drinks, some of us got food, some of us got weed…” New Back Den of Kareem Campbell and Colin McKay photographed by @markoblow

source=”Some of us got drinks, some of us got food, some of us got weed…” New Back Den of Kareem...

Happy Friday, your new follow here: Dane, Craig and Austyn’s new brand Former is alive ❤: @luxury29.99

source= Friday, your new follow here: Dane, Craig and Austyn’s new brand Former is alive ❤: @luxury29.99&url=

Slowdive released their first song in 22 years today. It goes well with rain. Listen now at ??☔️

source= released their first song in 22 years today. It goes well with rain. Listen now at ??☔️&url=

Oh shit, beanies too.

source= shit, beanies too.&url=

New WY hats are in. Available in the WY online store.

source= WY hats are in. Available in the WY online store.&url=

Finally a signing that makes sense: Noa Deane is now on @volcom. Full story (and vid) on site.

source= a signing that makes sense: Noa Deane is now on @volcom. Full story (and vid) on site.&url=

Craig on a fucking bomb in Fiji.

source= on a fucking bomb in Fiji.&url=

Original artwork by Porous Walker for What Youth Issue 16, dedicated entirely to Dylan Rieder. Check out more of the original art from the issue now on site.

source= artwork by Porous Walker for What Youth Issue 16, dedicated entirely to Dylan Rieder. Check out more of the...

After being covered by shipping supplies for two months, we finally cleared the ramp for takeoff ??

source= being covered by shipping supplies for two months, we finally cleared the ramp for takeoff ??&url=

Noa from WY Issue 7.

source= from WY Issue 7.&url=

WY Triple Stack: out now.

source= Triple Stack: out now.&url=

Ever wonder why no one takes off behind the peak at Greenbush ? (pretty sure anyone who’s surfed it can answer…) Photo: @lawrence_photo

source= wonder why no one takes off behind the peak at Greenbush ? (pretty sure anyone who’s surfed it can...

“Sometimes you have bad days and then other days you shoot photos of Ozzy Osbourne at his house.” @markoblow in a new Back Den.

source=”Sometimes you have bad days and then other days you shoot photos of Ozzy Osbourne at his house.” @markoblow in...

@ishodwair filming for Anonymous Zone in Japan. Photo: @michaelcukr

source= filming for Anonymous Zone in Japan. Photo: @michaelcukr&url=

An all-time favorite shot that slipped through the crack that was 2016. @solibailey out of control with style photographed by @lawrence_photo

source= all-time favorite shot that slipped through the crack that was 2016. @solibailey out of control with style photographed by...

San Francisco. Photo: @_huntermartinez

source= Francisco. Photo: @_huntermartinez&url=

Happy Birthday @jasonjessee ???Photo: @markoblow

source= Birthday @jasonjessee ???Photo: @markoblow&url=

Our music editor @mayabean found 5 songs that helped soothe the savage beast that was 2016. Songs today, music vids tomorrow.

source= music editor @mayabean found 5 songs that helped soothe the savage beast that was 2016. Songs today, music vids...

Out now.

source= now.&url=

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