Watch “Lost in Thought” By Hunter Martinez
Hunter Martinez has released his debut surf film, Lost in Thought. As is becoming the norm these days, this film...

HEATWAVE EVENT This Thursday Night at The Boathouse Collective in Costa Mesa
What are you doing this Thursday? If you have some free time head down to the Boathouse Collective in Costa...

Watch “Glass Ceiling of Happiness” Featuring Kai Hing
Are actual surfers singlehandedly saving surf media? A bit of a trend has been slowly developing for a couple of...

Waves by Taylor Curran Starring Jake Kelley
Taylor Curran’s ode to “Ill Communication” blends the art of surfing and music videos in this stylish edit, “Waves.”

Watch “Elijah & Evan” Late afternoon skates around LA
Brothers spending an afternoon skating around Venice. An old school look set to some new school, lo-fo house soundtrack. Filmed and...

Watch “Gundad” A warm water barrel-fest starring Gunner Day
Yesterday was a bit of a slow one around the office. We blamed the super moon. We blamed the colder air....

Watch “Windows” A surf vid by our new kid Hunter Martinez that we thoroughly enjoyed
Hunter Martinez is our new guy. He’s also a human labrador. And a damn good photographer and filmmaker (he shot...

Afternoon Interview: Zion Wright Episode 062: We took the newest pro for REAL out for some skateboarding in Los Angeles
Zion Wright is killing it right now. He just went pro for REAL Skateboards — that happened just the other day...

What Youth Issue 19 On Sale Now (FREE for 72 HOURS) and featuring Kader Sylla at the wheel on the cover
Making magazines is quite the endeavor. A lot of tiny pieces and fragments and words and photos come together to...

Afternoon Interview: Kader Sylla Episode 61: Ditching school, Skating Pedlow and taking the wheel of Skateboarding
We’re all kinda hoping that Kader Sylla’s mom doesn’t see this. Because he might have ditched a few classes to hang...

Watch Jake Kelley in “LOMO” Spring to summer and back again
I swear to God I run into Jake Kelley all over the world. The dude puts in the time. Portugal,...

Adolescents: Shane Borland Episode 010: The scrappy return of our 18 and under parts
Shane Borland is always around. He’s either outside our office waiting to pick someone up to film him (Hunter). Or...

Watch Micky Clarke in “WAR” Stomping around Ventura
Our favorite pretty boy, Hunter Martinez, put out this edit a few days ago of Micky Clarke in Ventura. Tons...

Hurricane Hermine Hunt Photographer Hunter Martinez took us on his recent hurricane chase
Being from the West Coast, hurricanes — at least the ones they get in the east — are exciting. They...

“Flanget” starring Andrew Jacobson Retro tunes and good surfing all over the place
“Flange” is Andrew Jacobson. And I love seeing Flange around town. He’s got a great attitude and he’s pretty funny...

Photo Credit: Hunter Martinez Portfolio 025: In a busy California winter, this young photog’s work is a step ahead
Hunter Martinez is 21 years old and from Pasadena, California. Not exactly a spot many of you would know if...