Craig Anderson is still keeping it HUF We can all still wear skate shoes
At one (strange) time or another, it was considered weird for a skate brand like HUF to sign a surfer to...

HUF PRESENTS 45° NORTH, 122 ° WEST Skating in the Pacific Northwest
Really sick vid of the Huf team tearing up the Pacific Northwest set to a lovely Cocteau Twins jam. Featuring...

Huf City Japan Tour Austyn Gillette, Josh Matthews, Brad Cromer, Matt Gottwig, Dick Rizzo and Jake Anderson tear up Tokyo
It was fun watching the Huf team takeover Monster Children’s Instagram account while they were in Japan, (I’m sure a...

The HUF team skating in Japan Shot entirely on iPhone by Brad Cromer
The modern condition: The HUF team skating in Japan, shot entirely on iPhone by Brad Cromer.

Seen/Unseen footage of Dylan Rieder A beautiful compilation by Martin Riegel
A beautiful compilation of seen/unseen footage of Dylan Rieder shot and edited by Dylan’s friend Martin Reigel.

Stay Tuned: Jake Anderson Playlist 028: The worst/best Mix ever made
We’re not exactly sure what the hell you’d call this radio station Jake Anderson has created for us in this new...

The Huf Team in NYC Starring Austyn Gillette, Jake Anderson, Matt Gottwig, Brad Cromer and Dick Rizzo
The Huf team includes some of our very favorite skaters, and they just went to New York (another favorite) and...

Afternoon Interview: Jake Anderson Episode 041: Goats, being a non-smoker, Tinder strategy and some skateboarding
We walked up and there were goats. On the ramp. And Coors Banquet beers all over. And Curren Caples walking around....

“Burp” starring Kevin Terpening Shot entirely on iPhone 6s
One week in LA with Kevin Terpening shot entirely on an iPhone 6s. All the tools you need. Watch Fairly...

Dylan Rieder, London 2010 Back Den 090
“if your life is all about skateboarding then i hope you’re ready to bleed. dylan rieder bleeds, and skateboarding is...

A Little Austyn Gillette for your day Three clips is all we need
Austyn Gillette is a modern renaissance man. A bonafide one man band. Skating, acting, hosting, pranking, making music etc. You...

The What Youth Holiday Wish List The rad stuff you need to buy (or have someone buy for you)
Well, we’re here. The holiday season. The scent of consumerism and dead birds is wafting through the crisp air. There...

HUF x Bronze 56K Reflective Pack Collaboration
California-based HUF returns with NYC-based skate crew and hardware brand Bronze 56k for the second installment of their limited-edition collaboration....

Craig Anderson, Dylan Rieder and Austyn Gillette on the Huf Tour in Hawaii Back Den 056
“i was lucky to be on the huf tour in hawaii with these boys last week. it makes me very...

WY Recommends: Industry! 12 Good Reasons to Believe In It
I love the surf industry. Even, and more specifically, the “industry” part. Our love is complicated, yes. And I often...

Afternoon Interview: Brad Cromer Episode 027: Humble Floridian with a solid kick flip
Florida’s Brad Cromer might have the world’s most stylish kick flip. He’s also humble, modest and soft spoken. And talented enough...

Off Beat: Austyn Gillette Episode 023: On American healthcare, selling out and being a “surfer’s skater”
We have Austyn Gillette on the brain. For a lot of reasons really, some obvious ones being his ridiculous skating and...

Fairly Normal: Kevin Terpening Episode 018
Come hang out with Kevin Terpening as he puts the finishing touches on his new Huf part

Watch Austyn Gillette’s New Huf Part A friendly reminder as to how good he is
Today Austyn Gillette released this out of nowhere Huf part that is a wild reminder of how damn good he...

Watch Hippie Speedball Huf x Bronze 56k Limited Edition Collab Video
If you’re gonna do a collab, make a fucking sick vid like this with it and we’re in. Huf and...

Conversation With: Kevin Terpening On moving from Ohio, working on his Huf part and celebrating his dog’s birthday at Petco
Kevin Terpening is a pro skater for Huf. He’s said that he gets psyched to skate by watching Marine Layer....

The World Premiere of Cluster presented by HUF Wednesday, January 28th at The Theatre At Ace Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles
Kai Neville's new film Cluster is here.

Craig Anderson and Huf A short film
A short film from Huf starring Craig Anderson.

Craig Anderson Joins Dylan Reider on the Huf Footwear Team Collected Thoughts 067
Surfers and skaters have had a pretty volatile relationship over the years. They’re too dirty and bloody. We’re too jocky...

Afternoon Interview: Keith Hufnagel Episode 013
"It's about not giving a fuck. There are no rules in this thing."