10 Questions: Jai Glindeman A man of few words
Jai Glindeman is perhaps one of today’s brightest new surfing talents. At the very least, he’s quite possibly taken over...

Watch: “Western Australian Edit” W/ Taj and Dion
Yes, Taj has long left the WSL tour but he is far from packing it in when it comes to...

Watch “Gabe Morvil in Portugal” Fine Times
Gabe Morvil is a 20 year old from North Carolina and ventured on a trip to Portugal with Matt Tromberg....

Watch “Cult of Freedom”: The Creed Part The latest in a series from Joe G
As is the case here, pretty much anything Joe G is involved with is worth your time. And as you...

WATCH GLOBE’S NEWEST VIDEO Cult of Freedom: The New Zealand Part
After watching this video, one thing is for certain, Creed McTaggart is an ace with a slingshot. It’s funny how...

Issue 20 Release An Evening Bash at the Bungalow
It was a long day but this night was even longer. On Thursday evening, we premiered Governed by Lines and dropped...

Dakoda Walters: 4 Boards, 4 Weeks A Quiver of All Trades
Watching Dakoda mix up his quiver, gets us psyched. So over the month of May, he rode a variety of...

Watch Cult of Freedom The Taj Part
Globe has done it again. Taj is sipping on Mentawai island salt water for a retirement 401k plan. It’s paid off,...

Shane Borland’s Pandas Kung Fu Grip
Freak of both natures. Whether it’s land or water, Shane Borland is a little hellion. Here he is terrorizing some new...

Nate Tyler and Chippa Wilson in Aerobics by OCTOPUS
Everyone knows Chippa and Nate are huge fans of jazzercise and aerobics as seen in OCTOPUS’s newest edit shot by...

The What Youth Wish List Here are all the things we want this holiday season, which is probably stuff you or the youth on the run in your life will want
Being a youth on the run requires a significant amount of equipment. And I don’t mean useless consumer goods (well,...

December 7 is “Cult of Freedom” Day! Which means movies and free food and drink at all Globe stores
I just got off the phone with Joe G. (Damn, love saying that). For those of you who don’t know,...

Watch Cult of Freedom The Australia Part: The first in a new vid series from Globe and Joe G
For the past two decades, Globe’s resident filmmaker Joe Guglielmino has given surfing some of it’s greatest moments. From the...

Cult of Freedom: The Australia Part Joe G and the Globe team are back with a new series and this is your first look at it
All across the wonderful world of surfing there is banter and chatter of world titles and machine-made Instagram friendly clips...

Watch “Candle” starring Noa Deane Noa’s reckless new part is here
While most of the surf world is mesmerized by mechanized waves and trying to do math about world title scenarios,...

Mark Appleyard and Sammy Montano Cinematic skating in Seattle
Joe G is at it again. This time he channeled Martin Scorsese to set the mood for this new Globe...

Watch “El Norte” A skate trip through Northern Spain supported by Globe
A trip usually suggests planning, an itinerary, some form of goal or destination. That’s a trip. This was more an...

Letters from the Smiling Bag Tour Dion Agius’ European jaunt pushes the limits of fun
Copenhagen, Denmark: “I am so fucking hungover and we haven’t even started yet” —Agius. D. 2016. I am writing this...

The Tour Without Taj It’s like a sad Friday night in
I’m about to walk down the trail at Lowers to watch the contest. Live. Yep, fuck it, I wanna watch...

Watch Panama Is Certain Starring Taj Burrow and Dion Agius
“I’m free! Best feeling ever! So many trips to come!” This is what Taj Burrow wrote me when I congratulated...

Watch Soli Bailey at Cloudbreak Riding all sorts of sleds and drawing really rad lines
Soli Bailey is another guy we’re taking on the road next month. And boy are we glad we are. His...

Watch +/+ starring Dion Agius Dion and Joe G nail it once again in this new edit
Dion is still without his cell phone, and we know this because we managed to link up with him today via...

The What Youth Holiday Wish List The rad stuff you need to buy (or have someone buy for you)
Well, we’re here. The holiday season. The scent of consumerism and dead birds is wafting through the crisp air. There...

WY Recommends: Industry! 12 Good Reasons to Believe In It
I love the surf industry. Even, and more specifically, the “industry” part. Our love is complicated, yes. And I often...

Fairly Normal: Nate Tyler Episode 019
He’s mellow but somehow punk. Humble and radical. Friendly and legit. His story has been painted a myriad of ways...

Cluster Premiere Tonight At the Rusty Store in Laguna Beach, CA
Laguna Beach Premiere of Cluster