Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends quivered dave rastovich

Watch “Quivered” Rasta shows off what he’s got underneath his feet these days

A brief chat with Dave Rastovich about what he’s putting under his feet. It’s a neat lesson about what helps one...
what youth recommends taylor steele proximity

Watch the Trailer for “Proximity” A new film from Taylor Steele (Wow, it’s nice to write that)

Unless you’re like a crusty old bitter guy, there’s a good chance you’ve been a fan or know Taylor Steele’s...
what youth ozzie wright dave rastovich surfing

Watch Rasta and Ozzie rip in Australia Poetic and reckless ripping presented by Sanuk

There was jazz in the water. We walked up to a famed (and notoriously sharky) Australian point break to meet...
what youth dear youth dave rastovich

“Support the freaks as much as jocks.” From a conversation on the surf industry with Dave Rastovich in Europe

Sometimes all it takes is a few minutes with Rasta and all seems right again. From a recent hang in Europe...
dave rastovich what youth surfing

Magic Carpets Dave Rastovich

Dave Rastovich doing what he does best
Dave rastovich Fairly Normal What Youth

Fairly Normal: Dave Rastovich Episode 008

Meet the dude we all thought we knew but now realize we've only just scratched the surface on.

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