Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth luke hynd surfing indonesia

Everything’s Wrong but in the Right Place Gallery 1: 10 days of swell in the Indian Ocean

We recently lined up a pretty solid 10 days of swell in the Indian Ocean and are going to share...
what youth recommends metal neck 2

Metal Neck 2 “The Bangover” Trailer It’s pretty strange and plenty raw

Some of our favorite guys just made a movie. Noa Deane, Creed McTaggart, Ford Archbold, Alex Knost, Colin Moran, Ozzie Wright,...
what youth off beat colin moran

Off Beat: Colin Moran Episode 030: On turning pro, the lack of women aboard a boat trip and Tinder strategy in an interview series often referred to as “Beat Off”

Saw Colin Moran at the donut shop once. Then at the smoothie shop. Then saw him ripping around town and loved...
what youth one roll scott chenoweth surfing

One Roll 016: From the Mentawais A roll of film shot on the boat by Scott Chenoweth

The voyage out to the Mentawais from Padang was rough. We set sail with a batch of fresh faces including...
what youth everythings wrong but in the right place short film surfing

Everything’s Wrong But in the Right Place A new short from What Youth presented by O’Neill

We recently set sail for the often beautiful, sometimes dark and occasionally creepy crawly Mentawais Islands with a boat full...
what youth recommends south to norte

Watch South to Norte The D’Blanc team runs through Baja

Baja has been down there catching bored California’s for years. And recently a crew dawning the same D’Blanc team stickers including...

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