Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth cluster surf movie

Cluster A new film by Kai Neville

A New Film by Kai Niville
Creed McTaggart Noa Deane dion agius on the cluster boat trip indonesia what youth surfing

Creed McTaggart, Dion Agius and Noa Deane, morning tea on the cluster boat trip Collected Thoughts 066

We were mostly looking for launch ramps, but sometimes the path to ramps leads you into empty pits and we’d...
what youth issue 8

What Youth Issue 8 On Sale Now

“Knowing you might not make it, in that knowledge courage is born.” —William S. Burroughs Well, we did it. Issue...
Indonesia Boat Trip Cluster Filming Yoyo Island Creed McTaggart Brendon Gibbens Craig Anderson Thom Pringle Surfing Dear Youth What Youth

Dear Youth Field notes from the outer islands

A five-day trip to get the fuck outta Bali and film for ClusterTM with Craig Anderson, Brendon Gibbens, Creed McTaggart...
Indonesia, mitch coleborn chippa wilson what youth

Dear Youth Noa Deane and Mitch Coleborn getting it done

This is just one of those photos that makes you want to drop everything and max out your credit card...
Chippa Wilson getting barreled for cluster what youth

Dear Youth Chippa Wilson, Indonesia, Last week

Nate Lawrence: “Chippa Wilson is more known for his airs than his barrel riding skills, but damn can he ride...
mitch coleborn jack freestone noa deane what youth cluster

Dear Youth Nate on the Run

Editor’s note: Nate Lawrence is a good employee. Fills our hard drives with photographic gold all year long and is...
Jack Freestone what youth issue 7 cluster

Jack Freestone Outtakes from What Youth Issue 7

By now you’ve seen that our new issue is on sale. When you get your hands on it, you’ll find...
What Youth Issue 7

What Youth Issue 7 On Sale Now

“We live in the mind, in ideas, in fragments. We no longer drink in the wild outer music of the...
Noa Deane for cluster what youth

Dear Youth We back at it, again

After a pretty good sleep on the ferry (thanks NyQuil!), we drove through streets filled with cows and goats and...
Mitch Coleborn surfing cluster what youth

Dear Youth Nate Lawrence on photo breathing exercises at Macaronis

This is Mitch Coleborn photographed in the afternoon at Macaronis. This was as good as a trip gets (you can...
Chippa Wilson what youth bali travel surfing

Dear Youth Nate Lawrence and the subtleties of a life on the move

Editor’s note: We spend a lot of time in transit. Kuala Lumpur. Taipei. Singapore. Jakarta. Padang. We go through some...
Noa Deane South Africa what youth

A dispatch on airwind from C.S. Louis in South Africa Collected Thoughts 057

Editor’s note: For those of you familiar with our printed books, you may recognize the name C.S. Louis from a...

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