Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends quiksilver radical times

Radical Times in Spain Quiksilver dudes drive across Spain and surf, skate and snow all the way

Quiksilver used to produce a show called Boarding Pass. I remember seeing it on an airplane’s entertainment channel once. It was narrated...
what youth recommends quiksilver radical times in france

Watch “Radical Times in France” Quiksilver always does France pretty damn well

By now the French experience is full of cliche. Baguettes, red wine, nude babes, beachbreaks for miles…you know the story....
what youth recommends

Radical Times in South Africa Quiksilver takes a crew that includes Matt Banting, Zach Miller, Bryan Fox, Le-Ann Curren, Mikey February and Javier Mendizabal to SA

A new look Quiksilver team. A Curren. Some skaters. A very large continent. And one of our favorite people ever...
what youth issue 12 pull quots craig anderson

Headlines and Quotes from WY Issue 12 Like Craig Anderson on charging: “I’m a bipoler medium wave surfer. I’m all in, sort of.”

What Youth Issue 12 is out now. You know that. But it’s also going fast. Which is both fun and...
what youth issue 12 magazine surfing skateboarding art culture

What Youth Issue 12: On Sale Now Featuring Mark Gonzales photographed by Mark Oblow in Hawaii, Circa 1989 on the cover

We’ve got a new reason to celebrate: our 12th issue is out today and you can buy it right now,...
Postcard Oregon what youth surfing skateboarding

Postcard Oregon A film by Quiksilver and What Youth starring Mikey Wright, Bryan Fox and Javier Mendizabal 

Maybe it was an experiment, or maybe it just happened. But whatever the case may be: we ended up in...
mikey wright what youth surfing oregon

Postcard Oregon: Frame Grabs Short film starring Mikey Wright, Bryan Fox and Javier Mendizabal presented by Quiksilver

We’re not even really sure how this happened. But we’ve come to be thankful that it did. A random trip...

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