Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth summer mixtape music

Music to save your summer A “Vicious” new playlist from Maya Eslami that’s good enough to make you forget it’s almost over

It’s the first day of September. Which would normally mean something like back to school or the beginning of fall,...
what youth 2016 top five

The 5 Best Songs of the Year Maya’s musical highlights for 2016

In a year filled with such detrimental loss from the music world (Bowie, Prince, Leonard, to name a few), shout...
what youth recommends music

Watch a new video from Broncho For their song “SeƱora Borealis.”

I’m obsessed with Broncho. And you should be, too. They dropped their third LP, Double Vanity, earlier this year, and...

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