Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

what youth recommends lets skate dude krooked

Watch Krooked’s “Let’s Skate Dude” 30 minutes of time well spent

Today is the premiere of Krooked’s “Let’s Skate Dude.” Featuring Mark Gonzales, Mike Anderson, Brad Cromer, Bobby Worrest, Dan Drehobl,...

Krooked’s new movie “Let’s Skate Dude” Premiering Monday

Krooked announces a new skate movie premiering on Monday. One of skateboarding’s most iconic teams led my Mark Gonzales. “Let’s...
what youth recommends brixton union in the park

Watch “Brixton Union in the Park” Get a new office and this is how you break it in

Brixton recently relocated to a new building, and their skate park got a massive upgrade. Here team riders and friends...
what youth recommends skateboarding huf japan tour

Huf City Japan Tour Austyn Gillette, Josh Matthews, Brad Cromer, Matt Gottwig, Dick Rizzo and Jake Anderson tear up Tokyo

It was fun watching the Huf team takeover Monster Children’s Instagram account while they were in Japan, (I’m sure a...
what youth recommends skateboarding huf japan

The HUF team skating in Japan Shot entirely on iPhone by Brad Cromer

The modern condition: The HUF team skating in Japan, shot entirely on iPhone by Brad Cromer.
what youth recommends huf nyc brad cromer austyn gillette

The Huf Team in NYC Starring Austyn Gillette, Jake Anderson, Matt Gottwig, Brad Cromer and Dick Rizzo

The Huf team includes some of our very favorite skaters, and they just went to New York (another favorite) and...
Theories of Atlantis "Escape to LA" Premiere.

Watch “Escape to LA” A bunch of East Coasters and Europeans come to California to rip

This video rules. It’s a bunch of our favorite skaters from the east coming out west and ripping. You’ll see...

Filmus 3 Book Release and Photo Show Check it out tonight in Los Angeles

Jacob Messex is the staff photographer at The Skateboard Mag.  He was originally a staff filmer at the mag then...
what youth michael cukr photo credit

Photo Credit: Michael Cukr Portfolio 027: A look back at Michael “Horse” Cukr’s year

Michael Cukr works here at What Youth. He’s a horse. We call him that because of another Warren Smith quote...
what youth recommends krooked nyc skateboarding

Watch Krooked in NYC Featuring Mark Gonzales, Brad Cromer, Bobby Worrest, Sebo Walker and Matt Gottwig

Some of our favorite skateboarders in one of our favorite places makes for a fucking sick vid. When you’re done getting...
What youth afternoon interview brad cromer

Afternoon Interview: Brad Cromer Episode 027: Humble Floridian with a solid kick flip

Florida’s Brad Cromer might have the world’s most stylish kick flip. He’s also humble, modest and soft spoken. And talented enough...

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