Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

La Goon A What Youth orignial short starring Chippa Wilson

At its core, La Goon is a thoughtful consideration of Western social norms. Chippa, the once-bricklayer made good, still an outsider to the manufactured sheen of south Orange County and its citizens. He seeks out this overlooked reject closeout — a foil for his own character. Losing his nose and surfing anyway is a metaphor for Chippa’s attitude toward material gain. A biting cultural commentary. Three thumbs up.

dillon perillo jack freestone evan geiselman surfing what youth

Temporary Vacation, Part 1 A What Youth original short

Laughter, delirium, caffeine, skateboarding, trash humping, girl hunting and lots of punting.

Dane Reynolds Dillon perillo surfing san francisco what youth

New Typewriters Dane and Dillon in San Francisco

Dane and Dillon are both contributing writers in the first issue of What Youth Quarterly, and in the fine tradition of writers past they made for San Francisco, and caught a wave. What Youth Quarterly, Issue One is off to the printers. It’ll be available for online purchase here at this month. Sign up…

Craig Anderson at home by what youth

Roof Walls Craig At home with Craig Anderson

One whole week at Craig’s house in Newcastle with no waves to speak of. Instead, a vignette of domestic moments.

Mitch Coleborn and Craig Anderson traveling for What Youth

Seat 26c Sitting between Mitch Coleborn and Craig Anderson on a plane

Ever sat between Mitch Coleborn and Craig Anderson on a plane? We have. And now you have too. Kinda.

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