Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Straight Forward: Sam Wrench Episode 010

This year we spent a pretty good amount of time down the South Coast of Australia as its a tip top strip of waves. (Watch this and you’ll understand).

Sam Wrench is from there, knows it well and surfs it really well. He’s whipped us into many ramps, slabs and delicious schooners at the Ullladulla Golf Club.

Wrenchy has been shredding around home the last few months and it’s been all packaged up beautifully by Tyge Landa in an all new Straight Forward. Lets go surf…early.

dillon perillo straight forward surfing what youth

Straight Forward: Dillon Perillo Episode 001

Sometimes it’s nice to just watch someone with a good style go surfing. That’s what this is.

P-Pass straight forward what youth surfing

Straight Forward: P-Pass Episode 003 (RIP Ricardo)

No frills, no nonsense just a big spotlight pointed at the swell smashing into the chunky reef at P Pass in Micronesia.

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