Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Straight Forward: Lee Wilson Episode 013

Lee Wilson has always been one of our favorite surfers. He’d be the guy on trips doing the most unassuming, techincally sound and massive airs for years, on par with the best in the game, always getting the shot alongside the best in the world. Now though, he is a man in transition. His half Indonesian, half Australian bloodline has always made him a perfect aquatic hybrid and one we’ve been hyped on for a long time. And now, after years of competitive and sponsored success traveling the world, getting photos, clips and podiums, Lee has pumped the brakes on that world and built a life that sees him spending more time with his family, his art — and as you’ll see here: dialing in the wave of the day, every day.

Lee recently had his second child and moved to New Zealand with beautiful girl Joanne. With a new business, a new baby and a lot of the above, Lee proves he’s still one of the world’s best surfers — and is about to show us just how much more there is to life than that.

And now he proceeds to get you hyped. (How are these waves?!)

dillon perillo straight forward surfing what youth

Straight Forward: Dillon Perillo Episode 001

Sometimes it’s nice to just watch someone with a good style go surfing. That’s what this is.

P-Pass straight forward what youth surfing

Straight Forward: P-Pass Episode 003 (RIP Ricardo)

No frills, no nonsense just a big spotlight pointed at the swell smashing into the chunky reef at P Pass in Micronesia.

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