We dealt with a ton of rain during filming for this series. It hampered surfs, made us chase our tail, wiped skating off the list for many days and poured chocolate milk colored water into the lineups. But it didn’t come without fun too. Locked indoors for the evening, we’d sip on red and play cards, shit talk, read poetry books and watched skate videos. We actually learned some shit. The waves we’d find every morning were always different. Weird shorebreak with no other people even thinking of going out. Then we’d paddle out because funny wipeouts were inevitable and there was always the odd chance that someone might find a Danny Way sized mega-ramp. We surfed a ton right through all the rain. And that’s just how it was. No one complained. This is episode two. Enjoy.

Watch This is Us: North Starring Yago Dora, Brendon Gibbens, Dillon Perillo and Andrew Doheny and presented by Monster Energy
I never thought I would need to write this. Or that I would need to start a new magazine that would need to do a surf trip as a reminder that we’re still unpredictable enough to fail. That the throwback of a silly road trip up north in a big van in California is not entirely…

This Is Us: France Short Film
This is a film that epitomizes why we do this. Why we surf. And travel. And live. We went to France and we forgot to check the charts. But we went anyway. And contrary to forecasts, we found waves. And when we didn’t find them, we didnt complain. We did other things. We skated. Went…

This Is Us: Australia Part 4
A What Youth original series.

This Is Us: Australia Part 3
We’re all different. We’re all the same. It’s all fucking good.

This Is Us: Australia Part 2
The rainiest episode.

This Is Us: Australia Part 1
The This Is Us series is simple: grab surfers we like to hangout with, put them in a house, go surfing a ton and record it.

This Is Us: Australia Jerk Off Tapes
Surf culture isn’t polished. It’s not cut out for primetime. And anyone who’s ever chucked surfboards into the back of a van knows what type of conversations go down on surf trips. We have all the …lost videos and watch them to this day. And while we hope you enjoyed This Is Us: Australia and…