Someone recently said: “I don’t care how you get it out, but get it out.” Fuck we like that. Because, yes, this a trip we did to Norway and Sweden and we got it out lots of ways. Skating, surfing. Museum tours. And even on the snow. But the beauty we found in this trip was how like-minded we can all be no matter what board we ride. Turns out we’re all disgruntled. And competing officially brings out the worst in us all.
And along the journey we met Keegan Valaika. A pro snowboarder, the trend setter of snow you could say. He’s extremely creative, able to illustrate any situation in very funny simple interesting ways. Very in his own head called What Youth “gossip girl.” Instead of skating one day he went to go check out a museum in Stockholm. Love that about him.
Watch this all new Afternoon Interview with him now.