Someone was looking out for us this week. A two week long flat spell has plagued southern California — and we hardly noticed. We’ve been locked in the What Youth laboratory, staying fit on the mini ramp, icing our brand new Merricks, just waiting for this day, today, when the printer man walks into the building, takes the files with him, and leaves us to tear into the Pacific Ocean while his massive machines turn it into the next book in the collection.
It won’t be long until What Youth Issue 5 is in your hands.
What Youth Issue 6 is finished Collected Thoughts 053

Bullshit rodeo in Spain durring filming for This Is Us: France Collected Thoughts 054

Dane Reynolds on Public Transportation Collected Thoughts 003
This is Dane on the train to Osaka, in Japan. Osaka is about an hour from its airport and our exit flight left the next day, and as none of us had been to Osaka we decided to ride in and see the sights. The city turns out to be rad, like a smaller Tokyo,…

Craig Anderson between the bars Collected Thoughts 002
Photo by Kai Neville Kai took this photo of Craig a little before 1 a.m. in Brooklyn, New York. They’re leaving the strange party they wandered into after a Dirty Beaches show at Williamsburg’s Glasslands Gallery — truly they did, they sauntered all Australian through some odd open side door and into someone’s loft, where…

John John in Barbados Collected Thoughts 001
This is John John Florence by the ghost of an Olympic pool at an abandoned resort in the parish of St. Lucy near the northern tip of Barbados, and what a useless cavity in the ground has he got here. The walls are too vertical to skate, there’s no water to ease the heat, there’s…