Welcome to the Canaries. Where the streets are small but everyone still drives fast.
It’s kinda a mix of Morocco and Mexico. Hola
Since it’s an island, yep you guessed it, somewhere is always offshore.
But Brendon and Ryan weren’t looking for the offshores.
Here’s where it’s onshore…
Looks like Slater is rubbing off on the boys.
Brendon decided to give the offshore right-hander a go. The 2 goofy-foots were slow to get out there. But the 6 boogie-boarders were quick to drop in.
This is Kai giving the keys to Ryan. It’s not always a unanimous decision to surf.
Kai is wishing the boys didn’t paddle out because the waves suck.
Chip takes over on the RED while Kai takes a piss.
The Canaries didn’t produce the waves we thought they would. But it was still one of the funner trips of the year.
Throwing knives became a big time-consumer on this trip. Here Kai celebrates his throw.