What is your full name?
Zelly Mae Dugan
Where were you born and where are you currently living?
I was born in Ventura and I’m currently going back and forth between there and LA.
What’s your dream car?
Red 1960s Mercedes benz.
What do you wonder about the most?
Probably what my puppy is doing when I’m not home.
What’s been your biggest mistake?
Definitely moving out before I was ready.
What skill/talent do you wish you possessed?
Definitely wish I could talk to my dog. I think we would have pretty funny conversations.
If you could live in any time period when would it by and why?
Time of the dinosaurs. I would become one with the brontosaurus and ride them.
If you had to spend $100 today, what are you doing?
Probably Harry Potter world! Still haven’t been:(
What’s the last thing you created?
Music. Songwriting’s always been a passion of mine.
Favorite Hobbies?
Play guitar/songwriting and taking my pup to the beach!
Surfers or skaters?