Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Girl We Adore: Clare Gillies The president of the Jane Austen book club lives in New York

what youth girl we adore

Do you have any nicknames?

Bear/Clarebear and sometimes queaks…I have a…unique voice;)

Where did you come from and where do you now live?

I’m from CT originally, but I live in NYC now.

If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

I would pick my great grandma. She was a cool Polish broad who lived through a lot of war and crazy situations. When she was around I was too little to really appreciate all the information and stories she had locked away.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a super mom and just an overall great and interesting human.

Will you send us a selfie? 

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What do you wonder about?

I wonder about my future a lot. I think that’s pretty standard though.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?

The day my boyfriend and I met, as he was walking away, he turned and said, “I love your personality.” It sounds corny to read, but to me it’s one of the best compliments one can receive.


What is your favorite pastime?

I guess I could list a million things, but I love baking. I never measure anything and I use a lot of bizarre ingredients. It’s satisfying, therapeutic and I get to eat everything when I’m done.

Describe a typical day in your life.

I wake up fairly early because my fur child [cat] pats my eyelids, nibbles my chin and steps on me… Once I’m up, I make tea and have breakfast right away. I don’t have a 9 to 5 so every day is different:)

Favorite book?

Off the top of my head I’d say anything by Jane Austen. She’s hilarious and I can’t resist romance.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

This shouldn’t be hard to answer, right? Maybe I’ve just received so much excellent advice that I can’t recall….or maybe I never take people’s advice.

Favorite brand?

You know, I don’t have a ‘favorite” brand per say. I do love Reformation, Hache and Rochas though.

Party trick?

You’d have to trick me into partying for me to acquire one.


What is your favorite word?

Schtroumpf (Smurf in French)

Dream location?

I’ve lived in both Beijing and Paris, but I’m always pulled back home to the states. Ideally I would live between NYC and LA and just travel a bunch.

Any regrets?

When I was in high school I had plans to go to Granada to help with sea turtle conservation, which fell through. I still regret not going!


Follow Clare on Instagram here.


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