Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Dear Youth: Taj Burrow, Creed McTaggart and Jay Davies farewell session in the West

West Australia Creed McTaggart Jay Davies Taj Burrow Dear Youth Surfing What Youth

We made our beds at Taj’s house this morning. Packed up and toasted the forever legendary one himself for his hospitality, gracious pours of red and for sharing his home break this week. Taj, Creed, and Jay spent most of the morning trading pits in the cerulean blue that you’ll only find in the western regions of Australia. So for now, we toast. To an epic week with our friends.

There is a new project beginning to bubble. Cameras are rolling and plane tickets are being booked and changed by the day. Swells are popping up all over and we’re chasing them around, looking for places to crash, ramps to hit and fun to have. Another rad trip in the books. We back at it.

Surfing road-trip dear youth what youth

Dear Youth The fun that leads to sleep paralysis

“Never trust a thought that didn’t come from walking.” That’s a quote by an old madman by the name of Friedrich Nietzsche. He’s an existential pioneer and had one hell of a dark passenger throughout his life. But the man sure did drop some wisdom while he was here. I bring this up as a bit…

Coffee Sightglass San Francisco What Youth

Dear Youth A Treatise on Art and Coffee

Coffee is a drug. That’s masked by ubiquity and social acceptance but it’s just hot speed. Black hot wonderful speed. That thought lingered last Saturday morning as a nice young man in a waxed-cotton apron and mustache — and not a November mustache, but a real annual subscription to the thing — fixed my Guatemalan…

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