Dear Youth Scenes from Europe: Part 2
Today I drove past a little Russian gypsy stall and there were a bunch of old cameras on display. I noticed a vintage 35mm Leica, brass plated with a slick wood grain wrap. It had this Nazi emblem etched into the brass. I managed to heckle them down to 120 Euros. It was a relic,…

Dear Youth I thought Evan Geiselman was a ghost
This morning I was sitting here editing pages for What Youth Issue 9 (deadlines and shit) when photo rookie Quinn Matthews quit chasing French girls long enough to send us a batch of images from France. I flicked through and who should I see but Evan Geiselman! I immediately picked up the phone and dialed…

Afternoon Interview: Dillon Perillo on Cluster Episode 018
“The scariest part of individual [part] based movies is that your part might be skipped most of the time.”

Dear Youth Guy in the sky
Where is the wave? I’ve cut off the bottom of the wave! “Guy in the sky” is what I was told not to do when I was younger. “Always have the wave in the photo.” “Show where he came from and where he’s going.” Blah. Blah. Blah. A long time ago I decided not to…

Morning conversation with Michel Bourez Collected Thoughts 070
I pulled into the Quiksilver Pro Athlete parking lot just behind Michel. As we got close to the front, me and Brandon Guilmette watched him turn the corner hoping for front row parking. We decided not to test our luck and parked at the closest visible spot. Sure enough Michel reversed passed us, in his…

For The Love: Jack Coleman Episode 007 Presented by Vissla
“I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go out and eat sushi every night…but, you know…I could make some cool films, and make myself a meal at home.”

Dear Youth Scenes from Europe with Kai
Overcast and gloom as we hit the tarmac. It feels good to be out of Indonesia. The contrast is evident immediately. I feel young here. War torn, art coated, romance-stained Europe. From Hemingway to Jean Luc, find your feet, sink your teeth and hack away. I could make a film here. Anywhere but LA, fuck,…

Noa California A What Youth Original
A lot has changed in a year for Noa Deane. Last summer, his visit to CA would have been a pretty off the radar affair. A few hellos and some shitty surfs in Newport shorebreak. But over the course of 2014, Noa has, umm, kinda been blowing up. With new sponsor deals, loads of hype,…

Strange Rumblings In Shangri La A review of the new film by Joe G and Globe

Lurk NYC Photographer

Off Beat: Chippa Wilson Episode 019

Less Is Less Radio Episode 005

6823 Long Beach, CA

Dear Youth Mitch Coleborn’s Cluster Quiver

Every Wall A Door: The C.S. Louis Journals Part One: A hole in every port

Dear Youth Noa Deane Filming for Cluster

How To: Stay in a Hotel By the worlds finest connoissuer of accomodation: Chas Smith

All This Mayhem A new film we’re pretty into

Lou Reed: The Life By Mick Wall

Every Wall A Door: The C.S. Louis Journals Part Two: Why I love Styx…In Mexico

Photo Credit: Woody Gooch Portfolio 007

What Youth Issue 8 Prints Available now in the What Youth Shop

Dane Reynolds and Jay Davies On the surf parts you should be watching

Darren Ankenman Photographer

And then we went to France Collected Thoughts 069

Photo Credit: Nolan Hall Portfolio 008

Wayne Lynch, Hawaii Back Den 025

Gabriel Medina in a Locker Room Collected Thoughts 068

Joyride A Short Film By William Strobeck

Kassia Meador, Hawaii Back Den 024

Afternoon Interview: Noa Deane on Cluster Episode 017