WY Premiere: Royal Brat Listen to “Full Tilt Duster”
One thing that doesn’t suck about 2018 is the amount of noteworthy music our ears are waiting to soak up. And the first album that should be on your radar this year is from Minneapolis punk band, Royal Brat. The four-piece is about to release their debut LP Eyesore, even though they’ve already made a name for…

WY Premiere: Well Well Well Watch their video for “Sleeping Away”
Well Well Well, a new postmodern pop band from San Diego comprised of musicians Seton Edgerton and Dan Nichols, sound soothing and uplifting and bring just the right amount of flavor for your morning. Watch their new video for single “Sleeping Away,” a black and white tripped out visual adventure that echoes the essence of…

Watch Slow Dance B-Sides Sometimes you get blasted from the past: Craig, Dane, Ozzie and more filming for Slow Dance
Dustin Miller is a filmmaker who worked with Dane and Craig on Slow Dance, Craig’s profile film from a few years ago. He just released this little throwback B-Side vid. Different times, but vibes were high.

Watch Leo Valls in “Good Weekend” A short film from Blake Myers shot in Leo’s hometown of Bordeaux, France
Blake Myers is living in Paris and making great art. “Good Weekend,” his most recent short film project is more proof of that, filmed over two days in Leo’s hometown of Bordeaux, France. He’s been focusing on shooting film in the Old World, below are some details. Format: Kodak 16mm Cinematography: Blake Myers Animation: Michael…

Watch Yago Dora In Hawaii Late fall sessions with one of our favorite Brazilians
Yago shook out his hard drive and gave us this neat Allah-Las-soundtracked bit of tropical shred. All taken from a November of surfing in Hawaii. I don’t know if I’ll ever fully come to terms with the fact that I’ll never surf as well as him. I also don’t know if I despise or want a…

David Bowie Has A Book Club Maybe 2018 won’t be terrible after all
When history looks back at our bizarre little era, it will agree on one thing: Everything went to shit real quick right after David Bowie died. It’s baffling how quickly reality unraveled after David Robert Jones left us in early 2016. Muhammad Ali, Prince, Tom Petty and a whole bunch of people you really like passed…

Watch WKND Welcome Salomon Cardenas Another solid addition to the most fun team in skateboarding
Thrasher released this footage about a month ago, but we love WKND and Salomon Cardenas is insane. We’ve said it before but we’ll keep saying it, WKND just has more fun. Be sure to also check out WKND welcome Sully in their “Goodfool” video.

Easy Played Zebulon And we were there to witness the calamity
Easy is a band, and if you haven’t seen or heard them yet, you’re sleeping on life. Formed at the tail end of 2016 by Josh Landau, Don “Nuge” Nguyen, and Jordan Jones after an incredible jam session turned inspiration highway of potential, Easy originally called themselves Kill A Punk For Rock & Roll – read…

Watch “Winter Storm Grayson” Gelid beachbreak pits with Oliver Kurtz, Brett Barley and Cam Richards

Listen to The Jacks A new local 4-piece that doesn’t hide behind any bullshit

Watch Kevin Schulz in “Home // Away” Jumping around North America with Kevin Schulz

Music for right this second Listen to Maya’s new Spotify playlist “BUZZ.” Made especially for those “new year, new me” weekend buzzes

Quiksilver has acquired rival Billabong In the least shocking headline you’ll read today

Check out The Reservoir A New Online Photo Publication we’re in love with

Watch Noah Wegrich In “Just For Kicks” With appearances from Mitch Coleborn, Nate Tyler, and Torren Martyn

2018: Fitter, Happier…still on antibiotics Here we go again

Watch Sam Moody’s Year In Review Club Med Sucks films Taylor Knox, Dusty Payne, Oliver Kurtz and more.

Watch “RVCAloha Skate 2017” Featuring Kevin ‘Spanky’ Long, Curren Caples, Greyson Fletcher, Malakai Montes, Shane Borland & Christian Hosoi

“Hanging Out With Nora Vasconcellos” Jenkem Magazine takes Nora to the LA Zoo and to skate Baker Boys park

What Youth Eats: Open Fire Soup When the thermometer drops, cook outside! Here’s how.

Watch “The B Wolf” The Sea Wolf has some pretty rad B-Sides starring Chippa Wilson

The What Youth 2017 Memoirs Another year on the run chasing the free riders, thinkers and doers.

The 10 Best WY Vids of the Year Let’s get sentimental for a minute, then let’s get back out there

Watch “Gone Tomorrow” Hawaii Things you missed from the North Shore with Jeremy Flores, Mikey Wright, Zeke Lau and lots more

A short documentary on Josh Stewart Founder of “Theories of Atlantis” presented by Rolling Stone

Watch “Hip Replacement” Featuring Ronnie Sandoval and Roman Pabich

Girl We Adore: Alexandra Ginnold Dancing, Venice and Sustainability

Watch Mason Ho’s Hawaiian Holiday Ho ho ho

Watch Asher Pacey’s Cold Water Christmas Sesh On one of the best-looking sub-zero right handers

What Youth Drinks: Tropical Eggnog Happy Holidays, But First Drink this Punch

Artist Jason Woodside’s NYC Nixon presents a caffeine-fueled tour of NY and Jason’s Brooklyn art studio