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On Brother Tanner Rozunko on Kolohe Andino

Tanner Rozunko Kolohe Andino what youth
04.14.15 – TAGS: , ,

Tanner Rozunko once referred to his friend group, which happens to be more or less led by Brother as, “The X-Men of Surfing.” And he might be right. We asked him a bit more about Brother, because, best friends know shit.

WHAT YOUTH: What role does Brother fill in the friend group? 

Tanner Rozunko: There is no question that Brother is not only the leader in the group but — let’s see, if you’re familiar with The Dragon Ball series, he is our Goku. Since we were young he was the one winning the contests and doing the new hot progressive maneuvers. We all strived to be what he is and do what he does. He is our golden boy, but not just because of the God-given talent he was granted and passed down — you know by genes and science and shit — but damn, he worked for it, he wanted it.

Do you have a story of Kolohe being Kolohe? 

When we were about 10 or 11 I remember he kissed this high school chick on Halloween. We were out trick or treating and this girl was talking to him about candy or some shit and they kissed. She was hot, and dressed as a sexy firefighter. That blew my feeble 5th grade mind. He has always had that confidence at least when we were young he always exuded confidence.


Do you have an example of him being a brat?

It was an Open Boys contest at Churches and me and brother were in the finals. I was in second and saw an opportunity to maybe take the lead by swinging under Brother and getting a better wave. We both went and he got an interference. He looked back at me with so much rage that I immediately felt bad for doing that but, hell, I was trying to win! He was pissed at me and I totally thought we were going to have a little fist fight in the sand. It turns out though that he won even with an interference — but for like 15 minutes before they announced the scores we were totally not BFF’s anymore [laughs].

Have you ever beaten him at something? 

Yeah I’ve beat him in Ping Pong and that’s pretty much it.  He doesn’t like losing. Side note though, my mom whooped his ass at H-O-R-S-E in my backyard.

Does he come to you for advice often? Music? Chicks? You being a bit older and all?

He really doesn’t need my opinions. His dad has always listened to good rock ‘n roll and always had good stuff playing in the car wherever we were going. I kind of just started forcing my taste in music on the group… I don’t know shit about anything that has to do with girls. So no one asks me.


Tanner Rozunko Kolohe Andino what youth

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