Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Brother The Official Trailer for the new film from What Youth

He grew up in front of us. With us. Around us. Under the ever-watchful eyes of commenters, commentators, likers, haters, sponsors, writers, filmers, photographers, parents and friends. Right on the birth of the online anxiety generation. And all of this is for them. And you too. But it’s also for Brother.

A chance to show what he’s up to after the post-heat interview. When he’s surfing free. With his friends. Around the world. It’s not much more than that, and thats’ exactly what we all wanted.

So, June 2nd, it’s yours. Free.

We’ll be hosting a series of premieres and streaming parties at What Youth and all over before the release. So come check it out, and mark your calendar for June 2.

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Tanner Rozunko Kolohe Andino what youth

On Brother Tanner Rozunko on Kolohe Andino

Tanner Rozunko once referred to his friend group, which happens to be more or less led by Brother as, “The...
Kolohe andino what youth surfing act natural

Brother The Boat Trip: Part 1

I can’t ask Kolohe Andino normal questions anymore. I just looked back at some interviews where I asked him who...
Kolohe Andino act natural what youth surfing

Brother The Boat Trip: Part 2

The journey to Indonesia with your best friends is both luxurious and grimy.

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