Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Brother: From What Youth Issue 11 This is the last thing I’ll ever write about Kolohe Andino

brother premiere what youth issue 11 kolohe andino

There’s a lot going on today. Tomorrow. And forever at What Youth. But especially today. And tomorrow. Because today we’ll be world premiering Brother, our new film with Kolohe Andino in San Clemente (which will be released for free to everyone June 2). And tomorrow we’ll be releasing What Youth Issue 11 in Long Beach, with live music performances by Cosmonauts, Kim and the Created and The Rooms. So it’s the old doubleheader.

But right now, in case you can’t make it to San Clemente, a little peek at both. An excerpt from the final thing I’ll ever write about Kolohe Andino. Before we release it. And check back here at 7PM PST for another peek at Brother, our new film with Kolohe Andino.

From What Youth Issue 11:

This is the last thing I’ll ever write about Kolohe Andino (an excerpt)


“Can you stick around a sec? Like 10 minutes?”

I’ve been at Kolohe Andino’s house for four hours now. We watched the LA Kings game. BBQ’d meats. Watched vintage YouTube footage. Done some things. Sorta. But mostly, we didn’t do things.

I attempt to leave, somewhat satisfied with the portrait I’d gotten: Kolohe at home, in his condo in San Clemente, veiled by drawn blinds and comforts of home. Playstation, a few friends and Apple TV access. Earlier, we watched the 10 greatest hockey fights of all-time. I drank a beer. Kolohe might have drank one too. I’m not sure. It wasn’t a priority to him that’s for sure, despite a stocked fridge and a newly legal ID on the table.

He tells me how when he’s home he likes to catch up on the more mundane comforts of living — like today he’s microwaving quesadillas and playing video games in the dark, midday. Although when I asked what he does on tour that’s different he just said, “I either surf or watch every season of Sons of Anarchy.” Not even sure how that’s different.

Domesticity seems to follow him around the globe. From comfy sweats to first class plane tickets. Although when there are waves, he surfs longer than anyone in the world. He makes a point of it. He eats a lot. And he surfs a lot.

Once deciding that I’d seen enough suburban coziness, I begin to say my goodbyes, do some high fives and start to walk out. The blinds still drawn but now it’s dark out.

That’s when Kolohe stopped me.

“So what’s the plan? For the movie. The article? You get what you need?”

I’d been hanging at the house the past two days, observing more than probing or interviewing. Watched him surf 2-foot Riviera. Watched him play Playstation. NHL 2015. Watched him do a photo shoot for a tier 2 or 3 sponsor — which was easy, he said, because “they’re scared of me.” Simply: I watched the domestic living situation of Kolohe.

And as I’ve said, I’ve interviewed him enough to know what I’m going to get if I do probe — and it aint much — Whether you interview him directly or you watch him melt cheese in his microwave. He’s going to have the upper hand. (…continued in What Youth Issue 11)

*Check out What Youth Issue 11 (on sale next week) for more and be sure to come hang out Thursday night in Long Beach.


Brother – Official Trailer from What Youth on Vimeo.


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