Kolohe seemed to place an emphasis on burying his fins as much as he lifted them into the sky.

Luke Davis about 1/60th of the way through the wave of the day at Greenbush.

Ian Crane caught the wave of his life because he didn’t want Luke to get another good one over him. Luke is a stubborn tube pig in the lineup. Picking the best waves always. But Ian was ready this time. An absolute bomb rolled through on the lonely evening we had alone at this wave, “ I only went because Luke started paddling for it, and I was like, ‘Fuck that, I’m going! Even though in all reality I didn’t want it at all! I could hear Taj in the channel yelling, “Goooo!!!— But as it turned out he was yelling, “Noooooo!”

Kolohe Slob.

The trip’s lone goofyfoot, Ian Crane couldn’t believe we let him score Greenbush and Macaronis, as good as you’ll see either.

Luke Davis.

Kolohe about an hour before becoming illmatic with the flu.

Kolohe Andino.

From Nate’s film roll. (Notice how no one’s there)

Taj Burrow.

Taj investigates Brother’s chin damage as Captain Dickinson preps the wound for way more stitches than he’d have like to administer.

The tube pig Luke Davis.

Tanner Rozunko had one of the most creative approaches no matter which lineup we were in.


Kolohe during the session where everything changed…

The World’s Greatest Professional Surfer of All-Time.

Luke Davis would load a few of these perfect arcs up every day.

Taj in the spot.


Taj could not believe how good we got this wave. Or believe he made it past this foamball.


Luke Davis with a timeless pose at a timeless wave.

Taj gets the wings out.

Luke Davis and a lofty straight air.

This was hard to watch.

Kolohe Andino.

Taj Burrow.

Just us out.

Classic Taj.

He hit a Binny in the channel pretty hard after this one.

That was a doozy.