John John in “Twelve” The final episode I’m going to be straight: Skip to 6:55 and let your jaw drop
I’m all for storytelling, but the self-produced variety is getting a little old. It’s great, we get it, he sails...

RVCA and the first signs of summer It may be cold now, but this is a positive sign
Unless you were on a trip or in Australia, the last time you surfed trunks were probably the last thing...

Watch Matt Berger go on a terror And learn how you can too
It’s all about the shirt.

E. Geiselman: There are two The last video project Surfing Mag will ever do
We’ve been fans of the Geiselman brothers for a long time. Evan’s been tearing since Dear Suburbia days, and Eric...

Dane Reynolds and friends in “Rejects” The pilot light for 2017 just lit
Not going to lie: Not a whole lot of good videos have come out in 2017. SURFING Mag went under...

Zeke Lau is “Goin’ to Da League” Meet the tour’s new Hawaiian power source
I met Zeke Lau when he was 12 years old. It was my first trip to Indo and it was...

John John and Ian Walsh Trading Rights Tricky pits with two of the best at it
John John Florence and Ian Walsh make this tricky right look too easy. Enjoy this section from Ian’s new film...

Surfing out front with your friends Final installment of the RVCALOHA Series from the North Shore
There’s nothing in the world quite like running out in front of the house for a surf. In trunks. In...

Watch Yago Dora in Portugal Set to T.S.O.L.
We’ve said we love this kid several times now and if you don’t see why, we can’t help you. We’re...

Watch Mick Fanning’s “Irish Crossroads” No but seriously, watch this
I’m not going to lie to you: I saw this video in my email, and I didn’t watch it. I...

Watch “A Breeze in the City” Starring Chloe Campbell and Alex Amor in Barcelona
“We made this with tons of love and no budget.” A short film we really dig from filmmaker Guillem Cruells...

Watch “Australia Days” Jack Coleman provides some much needed fun starring Ozzie Wright, Jimmie Steele and Ari Browne
Winter is definitely here in the U.S., but it’s now clear that while we freeze, Australia is bronzing and sliding on...

Watch “Telo Menta Uber Jam” Tropical ripping by the Volcom team
The Volcom surf crew hits the Mentawais for the season’s first run of swell. Starring Ozzie Wright, Mitch Coleborn, Ryan...

Watch “Sundaland” Run to Mexico with Brendon Gibbens, Cam Richards and Eric Geiselman
In lots of the world right now, it’s winter. And wherever it’s winter, it’s cold. And watching this just thawed...

Noa Deane gets a new sticker Finally a signing that makes sense: Noa to Volcom
All across our industry are surfers riding for brands that make no sense. Product of highest bidder goes the surfer....

Noa, Creed, Beau and Ellis in “Rage” First it was O.A.M. now it’s RAGE
OAM was a traction company, hell it still might be, that was started by the Malloys, Machado, Taylor Knox, Pat...

Watch “Lost It: New Zealand” Outtakes from the road way less traveled with Brendon Gibbens, Bryce Young and Eric Geiselman
The parts of surf trips you usually see are polished and packaged up with all the A plus clips, making...

Mason Ho in Northern Praying Mantis The most exciting surfer in the world
While most of the world around us seems to be going in the wrong direction, the Ho family is redefining...

Warm up with Chippa Wilson Chippa gets new wetties, we get a new vid
Chippa Wilson might be the quickest and most flexible surfer we know. But what happens when it gets real cold? Well,...

Twin Fin Delight Watch Jason Salisbury ignite your future twin fin obsession
Full disclosure: I’ve never owned a twin fin…until a few months ago. Since then I’ve been delighted by a whole...

Watch RVCAloha: “Alex And Ellis” Alex Knost and Ellis Ericson and some jazz poetry at V Land
Regardless of where you sit on spectrum of surfing hipsterism and nostalgia, you’d be hard pressed to not be at...

The What Youth 2016 Video Slideshow The Velvet Underground take us on the photographic rollercoaster that was 2016
Everyone is talking about how 2016 was a son of a bitch. And yeah, it kinda was. We lost a...

Watch Hayden Shapes Best of 2016 Starring Craig Anderson, Creed McTaggart, Nate Tyler, Dylan Graves, Marti Paradisis and Cole Houshmand
Pretty damn good team, eh? A fond farewell from the Hayden fam.

Watch Kai Hing in Splashing All black and white and tearing to Low Life
Kai Hing just saved 2016 with this hammer of a part featuring a nice mix of Indo and OZ beachbreaks. Remember...

Mason Ho is the best surfer in the world This 2016 highlight reel proves it
There are a lot of competitions, polls and chatter about who the world’s greatest surfer is, and generally you can...

Craig Anderson on the Black Noiz Soft core surfboard riding
Watching Craig Anderson’s board slice through the water is a borderline pornographic experience. That rounded pin…that style. This may not...

John John’s Alley Oop on Saturday A few dozen on the head and then this…
I’ve long been kind of critical of how clips like this get published in a manner that is underwhelming. We’ve...

Yago Dora and Pedro Barros in “Brutal” A surf and skate collab of the very best kind
Well, this says a lot about the technicality off Yago’s surfing. One of his best friends growing up absolutely shreds....

“The Smiling Bag” Extended Trailer The new film you can only get by emailing Dion Agius himself has a new teaser.
Dion Agius made a film for his friends. He called it The Smiling Bag and he released it by doing...

Watch “Voodoo Child” Starring Mason Ho, so you know this is worth your time
I don’t think you can watch Mason Ho surf without wondering just what it might feel like to ride what...

Clay Marzo in Lost Paradise And he’s still trunking it where others prefer a wettie
Clay Marzo has somehow turned a cold water paradise into his own tropical locale. And I don’t think anyone gets...

Alex Smith’s One Way Ticket Journey to the center of the earth
Alex Smith literally did this. Booked a one way ticket and filmed what happened. He landed on some of the...