We met Cody and Jared Hager while filming Collin Provost’s Fairly Normal part. Originally from Tehachapi, California they moved to HB to pursue skateboarding — not to be pro, but just to be around it and to skateboard, a lot. And this was that time when everyone lived in HB. When they moved here Jared was working at Mother’s Market and one day while working, he and Geoff Rowley got to talking and they went for a skate. They been friends ever since.
When they were young they volunteered at the YMCA skate camp just because they loved it. And while they were there they learned everything there is to know about building ramps from Mike Greenwald. They worked under him for some time, and eventually started their own company called Hager Bros. Solutions.
They lived the skate life: rolled with the heaviest pros, got clips with ’em — you’ll find cameos of them in vids all the way from Geoff Rowley’s part in Extremely Sorry to Leo Romero’s part in Made. And while they never went pro, they’re legitimate legends who are real as fuck, skate and build anything for anybody.
We spent the day with them at their house in Long Beach, CA and they showed us some of the rad shit they’ve collected over the years. We also went to Collin’s house where they built a fence for his dogs, Harley and Chief. Then they went to Figgy’s and built him a deck, then we skated Carlsbad Park and Jared hard flipped a gap in a pair of fucking work boots. Legendary shit.