Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

Skating Fallen Spomeniks in the Balkans Sammy Montano in TEMPLE; a conceptual monochrome short

In skateboarding sometime you stumble upon a piece of architecture so strange and eccentric looking that you just need to find a way to skate it. Pierre David and Douglas Guillot, the directors, journeyed through the Balkans with Sammy Montano and did just that on many a fallen monument or ‘Spomeniks‘ as they are more properly called. Visual candy for sure that would make for a great Bauhaus music video or something along those lines.

Here is how they describe it:

“TEMPLE is a conceptual monochrome short film, following skateboarder Sammy Montano on a journey through the Balkans and its fallen monuments.

It was essential to transcribe them with respect according to our vision, to spiritualize the expression of their magnificent forms, timeless aesthetics and monumental dimensions. Confronting them with skateboarding allowed us to animate this notion of freedom and exploration.

Sammy Montano places himself as a central witness, being both the representation of this quest but also its outcome. It represents the doubt that animates each of us in the face of the unknown and this constantly renewed desire to take step in search of the answers to our deepest beliefs.

This film is a personal art project, a pure reverence and tribute to these monuments, better known as
« Spomeniks » and their legacy.”


Here are some more shots from Pierre David.



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