Surfing, Skateboarding, Music, Photography, Travel, Culture and general antics of the youth on the run.

A Hawaiian Exploration w/ Skater Evan Mock Skating, Surfing, + Shark dive guiding w/ the triple threat

04.24.18 – TAGS: ,

Evan Mock is a true triple threat in the game and we’re not even talking about one of his first jobs, which was shark dive guiding. No these days he is primarily classified as a skateboarder, but we were never one for labels. Evan grew up on Oahu’s infamous North Shore so he’s got salt water in the veins and is also one handsome devil who puts style at the forefront of all that he pursues. Three for three!

The crew over at Convicts NYC did put together a video showcasing the paradise that Evan grew up in and how it translated into the ripping skater/surfer that he is today.


Get over to CONVICTS for the 4-minute exploration of Hawaii with Evan Mock





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