Jack Coleman and Derrick Disney were both featured in our For the Love series: Derrick for his authentic approach to shaping, weaving across California and surfing. Jack if you’ll remember is one of the true artists committed to his medium. This short, and super fun edit features Jack and Derrick combing through the chaos that was this summer’s vixen swell Marie and hand delivered this. Enjoy the colors.
I Love You, California Jack Coleman x Derrick Disney

Watch: “Big Monday” By Jack Coleman

Watch: “Kelly on the North Shore” Content collab with NobodySurf

7 Seas Wetsuit by Vissla Featuring Gunner Day

Watch Toloka Vissla Is on the Run Again

Vissla: Summer Wetsuits Rubber Time Machine

Volcom Road Rager at our place! Ryan Burch, Ozzie Wright and the whole band of Volcom pranksters are coming over Friday, March 9th from 3-7pm

WY Premiere: Summer Twins Watch their new video for “Another Hit”

Media Model Subsidy Line Noise Ordinances and surf video making with Mitch Coleborn, Harry Bryant, Nate Tyler, Colin Moran and more

Watch Noah Wegrich In “Just For Kicks” With appearances from Mitch Coleborn, Nate Tyler, and Torren Martyn

Photo Credit: Thomas Fire Portfolio 036: Chet Williams and Trent Stevens document the fires in California

Watch Andrew Jacobson in “Wash” Malibu’s new face runs around the planet

Watch Colin Moran in “Scarecrow” Colin joins in on this week’s really good edit party

Watch “2 + None” with Kyle Kennelly The third slob and the slipperiest surfing you can do

Some Kind of Vacation Prequel 3: Ian Crane is a great road tripper

Watch “BY THE BOOKS ~ VOL. 1: KILLING TIME” Part 1 of a new 4 part series featuring Noah Schweizer

Watch “Aloha Country” New vid from Jack Coleman featuring Jack Johnson, Bryce Young & Harrison Roach

What Youth is now Open Shop, hangout and see where we make all this stuff

Watch the new film: Pedro’s Bay The romantics at Vissla do it again: This time in their new film with Eric Geiselman, Brendon Gibbens, Bryce Young, Cam Richards and more

Malakai Montes, Long Beach, Ca 2017 Back Den 119